Research Areas

Interdisciplinary research focused on production of human voice through combination of knowledge from acoustics, physiology, biomechanics, laryngology, engineering, singing science and other fields.

Most active research areas:

    • Visualization of vocal fold vibration through videokymography

    • Principles of voice measurement

    • Voice registers

    • Singing voice

    • Voice dosimetry

    • Determination of biomechanical properties of vocal folds

    • Vocal fold and vocal tract modelling

    • Clinical measurement of voice

    • Scientometry

The most representative selected publications on these topics are given below.

Reviews / Přehledy:

In English:

    • Angerstein W, Baracca G, Dejonckere P, Echternach M, Eysholdt U, Fussi F, Geneid A, Hacki T, Karmelita-Katulska K, Haubrich R, Šram F, Švec JG, Vydrová J, Wiskirska-Woznica B (2020). Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Voice Disorders. In: European Manual of Medicine: Phoniatrics 1, edited by am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, Wiskirska-Woznica B, Neumann K and Nawka T. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag [ISBN: 978-3-662-46779-4]: 349-430 (2020).

    • Švec JG, Granqvist S: Tutorial and guidelines on measurement of sound pressure level (SPL) in voice and speech. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research 61(3): 441-461 (2018).

    • Herbst CT, Švec JG: Basics of voice acoustics – a tutorial. In: Sataloff's Comprehensive Textbook of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery. Volume 4, Laryngology, edited by M.S. Benninger. New Delhi, India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers [ISBN: 978-93-5152-457-1]: 63-80 (2016).

    • Švec JG, Granqvist S: Guidelines for selecting microphones for human voice production research. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 19(4): 356-368 (2010).

    • Švec JG, Behlau M: April 16th: The World Voice Day. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 59 (2): 53-54 (2007). (Free access).

    • Švec JG, Šram F: Voice research and treatment in the Czech Republic. ASHA Leader 11(6): 30-31 (2006, May 2). (Free access).

    • Švec JG: Research journey: chest-falsetto discontinuity and videokymography. In Schutte HK, Poppema S, te Bos E (Eds.): Physiology and Acoustics of Singing (PAS), 3-5 October, 2002, Groningen, the Netherlands (CD-ROM). Groningen Voice Research Lab, Groningen, the Netherlands: 12p (2004). (Free access).

    • Švec JG: On Vibration Properties of Human Vocal Folds: Voice Registers, Bifurcations, Resonance Characteristics, Development and Application of Videokymography. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Groningen, the Netherlands (2000). [ISBN: 90-367-1235-1]. (Free access

Česky (in Czech):

  • Švec JG. Základní a aplikovaný výzkum tvorby lidského hlasu. Habilitační práce. Olomouc: Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (2019). (Volný přístup).

  • Šram F, Švec JG, Vydrová J: Včasná diagnostika poruch hlasu včetně rakoviny hlasivek. [Early diagnosis of voice disorders including vocal fold cancer]. (In Czech). Lékařské listy 3/2010: 9-12 (2010). (Volný přístup & Alternativní přístup).

  • Švec JG, Šram F, Vydrová J: 16. duben: Světový den hlasu. [16th April: World Voice Day]. (In Czech). Otorinolaryngologie a Foniatrie 58(3): 152-155 (2009). (pdf)

    • Horáček J, Švec J: Modelování lidského hlasu: využití v klinické praxi i při zpěvu. [Modelling human voice: applications in clinical practice and in singing]. (In Czech). Vesmír 87(12): 833-835 (2008). (Volný přístup).

  • Hlasivky ve videokymografii [Vocal Folds in Videokymography]. (In Czech). Zdravotnické noviny 56 (47):10 (2007). (pdf)

  • Švec JG: Tajemství hlasu [The mystery of voice] (In Czech). Palacký University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic [ISBN: 80-244-1318-3]: 1-59 (2006).

  • Šram F, Švec J, Havlík R, Frič M: Poruchy hlasu. [Voice disorders] (In Czech). Iatrike Techne 1/2003: LVI-LXII (2003). (pdf)

    • Švec J: Studium mechanicko-akustických vlastností zdroje lidského hlasu. [Studies of the Mechanical-Acoustical Properties of the Human Voice Source]. (Doctoral Dissertation, in Czech). Faculty of Natural Sciences, Palacký University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic (1996). (pdf)

Videokymography, High-Speed Videolaryngoscopy / Videokymografie, vysokofrekvenční videolaryngoskopie :

Tutorials, reviews (in English):

  • Angerstein W, Baracca G, Dejonckere P, Echternach M, Eysholdt U, Fussi F, Geneid A, Hacki T, Karmelita-Katulska K, Haubrich R, Šram F, Švec JG, Vydrová J, Wiskirska-Woznica B (2020). Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Voice Disorders. In: European Manual of Medicine: Phoniatrics 1, edited by am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, Wiskirska-Woznica B, Neumann K and Nawka T. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag [ISBN: 978-3-662-46779-4]: 349-430 (2020).

  • Švec JG: From manual drawing of the vibratory pattern of the vocal folds to videokymographic imaging and further. In: Normal and abnormal vocal fold kinematics. High-speed digital phonoscopy (HSDP), optical coherence tomography (OCT) & narrow band imaging (NBI). Volume I Technology, edited by Izdebski K, Yan Y, Ward RR, Wong BJF and Cruz RM. San Francisco and Oakland, CA: Pacific Voice and Speech Foundation PVSF e-Q&A-b [ISBN: 978-1511401852]: 177-184 (2015). (Free access

  • Švec JG, Šram F: Videokymographic examination of voice. In: Handbook of Voice Assessments, edited by E. P. M. Ma and E. M. L. Yiu, San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing [ISBN: 978-1-59756-364-2]: 129-146(2011).

  • Švec JG, Šram F, Schutte HK: Videokymography in voice disorders: What to look for? Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology 116 (3):172-180 (2007). (Link)

  • Švec JG, Šram F, Schutte HK: Videokymography. In: The Larynx, 3rd edition, edited by M. P. Fried and A. Ferlito, San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing [ISBN: 978-1-59756-256-0]: 253-274 (2009). (Link)

  • Švec JG, Šram F: Kymographic Imaging of the Vocal Fold Oscillations. In Hansen JHL and Pellom B (Eds): ICSLP-2002 Conference Proceedings, Vol.2. 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, September 16 - 20, 2002, Denver, Colorado. Center for Spoken Language Research, Boulder, CO [ISBN 1-876346-40-X]: 957-960 (2002). (Free access).

  • Švec JG, Šram F, Schutte HK: Development and Application of Videokymography for High-Speed Examination of Vocal-Fold Vibration. In Palek B and Fujimura O (Eds): Proceedings of LP’2000 (Linguistics and Phonetics 2000 Conference, Prague, August 21-25, 2000). The Karolinum Press, Prague [ISBN: 80-246-0016-1]: 3-10 (2001). (pdf)

    • Švec JG, Šram F, Schutte HK: Videokymografie: nová vysokofrekvenční metoda vyšetřování kmitů hlasivek. [Videokymography: a New High-Speed Method for the Examination of Vocal-Fold Vibrations] (In Czech). Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie (Prague), 48(3): 155-162 (1999). (English translation in RUG Dissertation, pdf).

Výukové články, přehledy (in Czech):

  • Hlasivky ve videokymografii [Vocal Folds in Videokymography]. (In Czech). Zdravotnické noviny 56 (47):10 (2007). (pdf)

  • Švec JG, Šram F, Schutte HK: Videokymografie: nová vysokofrekvenční metoda vyšetřování kmitů hlasivek. [Videokymography: a New High-Speed Method for the Examination of Vocal-Fold Vibrations] (In Czech). Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie (Prague), 48(3): 155-162 (1999).

Research articles (in English):

  • Phadke KV, Vydrová J, Domagalská R, Švec JG: Evaluation of clinical value of videokymography for diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 274(11): 3941-3949 (2017).

  • Švec JG, Schutte HK: Kymographic imaging of laryngeal vibrations. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery 20(6): 458-465 (2012).

  • Švec JG, Šram F, Schutte HK: Videokymography in voice disorders: What to look for? Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology 116 (3):172-180 (2007). (Link)

  • Švec JG, Frič M, Šram F, Švecová H, Schutte HK: Visually-based evaluation protocol for laryngeal videokymographic images. In: Proceedings AQL 2006: Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, October 6-7, 2006, Groningen, the Netherlands. Groningen Voice Research Lab, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands [CD-ROM]: 1-6 (2006).

  • Šram F, Švec JG: Results of Videokymographic Examinations by Functional Voice Disorders. In: Gross M (Ed.): Aktuelle phoniatrisch-pädaudiologische Aspekte 1999/2000, Band 7. Median-Verlag von Killisch-Horn, Heidelberg [ISBN: 3-922766-68-4]: 53-56 (2000).

    • Švec JG, Schutte HK, Šram F: Variability of Vibration of Normal Vocal Folds as Seen in Videokymography. In: Dejonckere PH, Peters HFM (Eds.): Communication and Its Disorders: A Science In Progress. Proceedings 24th Congress International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 23-27, 1998. Vol.I. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics [ISBN: 90 5710 071 1]: 122-125 (1999). (Dissertation pdf).

    • Schutte HK, Švec JG, Šram F: First Results of Clinical Application of Videokymography. Laryngoscope, 108(8): 1206-1210 (1998). (Dissertation pdf).

  • Schutte HK, Švec JG, Šram F: Videokymography: Research and Clinical Issues. Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology, 22(4): 152-156 (1997).

  • Šram F, Schutte HK, Švec JG: Clinical Applications of Videokymography. In McCafferty G, Coman W, Carroll R (Eds.): Proceedings of the XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Sydney, Australia, March 2-7, 1997. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy [ISBN: 88-323-0302-7]: 1681-1684 (1997).

    • Švec JG, Schutte HK: Videokymography: High-Speed Line Scanning of Vocal Fold Vibration. Journal of Voice, 10(2): 201-205 (1996). (Dissertation pdf).

Principles of Voice Measurement / Principy měření hlasu :

Tutorial, reviews:

  • Švec JG, Granqvist S: Tutorial and guidelines on measurement of sound pressure level (SPL) in voice and speech. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research 61(3): 441-461 (2018).

  • Patel R, Awan S, Barkmeier-Kraemer J, Courey M, Deliyski D, Eadie T, Paul D, Švec JG, Hillman R: Recommended minimum protocols for instrumental assessment of voice: American Speech-Language Hearing Association Committee on Instrumental Voice assessment protocols. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 27(3): 887-905 (2018).

  • Titze IR, Baken RJ, Bozeman KW, Granqvist S, Henrich N, Herbst CT, Howard DM, Hunter EJ, Kaelin D, Kent RD, Kreiman J, Kob M, Löfqvist A, McCoy S, Miller DG, Noé H, Scherer RC, Smith JR, Story BH, Švec JG, Ternström S, Wolfe J: Toward a consensus on symbolic notation of harmonics, resonances, and formants in vocalization. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137(5): 3005-3007 (2015).

  • Švec JG, Granqvist S: Guidelines for selecting microphones for human voice production research. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 19(4): 356-368 (2010). (Link)

    • Švec JG, Šrámková H, Granqvist S: Basic requirements on microphones for voice recordings. In: Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 6th International Workshop (MAVEBA 2009), edited by C. Manfredi, Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press [ISBN 978-88-6453-094-9]: 157-160 (2009). (pdf)

  • Švec JG, Lejska M, Frostová J, Zábrodský M, Dršata J, Král P: Česká verze dotazníku Voice Handicap Index pro kvantitativní hodnocení hlasových potíží vnímaných pacientem. [Czech Version of the Voice Handicap Index Questionnaire for Quantitative Evaluation of Voice Problems Perceived by Patients]. (In Czech) Otorinolaryngologie a Foniatrie 58(3): 132-139 (2009).

Voice Registers / Hlasové rejstříky :

Research articles:

    • Švec JG, Sundberg J, Hertegård S: Three registers in an untrained female singer analyzed by videokymography, strobolaryngoscopy and sound spectrography. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (1):347-353 (2008). (pdf, permalink:

  • Švec JG, Sundberg J, Hertegard S: Sound and video examples complementing the article „Three registers in an untrained female singer analyzed by videokymography, strobolaryngoscopy and sound spectrography". NCVS Online Technical Memo 10 version 1.1: 1-4 (2008). (Free access

  • Tokuda IT, Horáček J, Švec JG, Herzel H: Bifurcations and chaos in register transitions of excised larynx experiments. Chaos 18, 013102 (2008). (pdf link, permalink:

    • Tokuda IT, Horáček J, Švec JG, Herzel H: Comparison of biomechanical modeling of register transitions and voice instabilities with excised larynx experiments. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(1):519-531 (2007). (pdf link, permalink:

  • Miller DG, Švec JG, Schutte HK: Measurement of Characteristic Leap Interval between Chest and Falsetto Registers. Journal of Voice 16(1): 8-19 (2002). (link).

    • Švec JG, Schutte HK, Miller DG: On Pitch Jumps Between Chest and Falsetto Registers in Voice: Data from Living and Excised Human Larynges. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106(3): 1523-1531 (1999). (Dissertation pdf).

    • Švec J, Pešák J: Vocal Breaks from the Modal to Falsetto Register. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 46(2): 97‑103 (1994). (Dissertation pdf).

Singing Voice / Zpěvní hlas:

Reviews (in English):

    • Herbst CT, Howard DM, Švec JG. The sound source in singing - basic principles and muscular adjustments for fine-tuning vocal timbre. In: Oxford handbook of singing edited by Welch GF, Howard DM and Nix J. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press [ISBN: 978-0-19-966077-3]: 109-144 (2019).

Výukové články, přehledy (in Czech):

    • Švec JG: Fyziologická akustika zpěvního hlasu: Nový pohled na starý problém. [Physiological Acoustics of the Singing Voice: A New Look at an Old Problem] (In Czech). In Jiříček O (Ed.): 60. akustický seminář & 36. akustická konference, Kouty, 22. - 26. 5. 2000 (Proceedings). Czech Technical University & Czech Acoustical Society, Prague [ISBN: 80-01-02179-3]: 219-226 (2000). (pdf)

Research articles (in English):

  • Andrade PA, Švec JG: Observational study of differences in head position for high notes in famous classical and non-classical male singers. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 41(2): 77-84 (2016).

  • Herbst CT, Hess M, Müller F, Švec JG, Sundberg J: Glottal adduction and subglottal pressure in singing. Journal of Voice 29(4): 391-402 (2015).

  • Herbst CT, Švec JG: Adjustment of glottal configurations in singing. Journal of Singing 70(3): 301-308 (2014).

  • Herbst CT, Qiu Q., Schutte HK, Švec JG: Membranous and cartilaginous vocal fold adduction in singing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(4): 2253-2262 (2011).

  • Herbst CT, Ternström S, Švec JG. Investigation of four distinct glottal configurations in classical singing—A pilot study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125 (3): EL104-EL109 (2009). (Free access

  • Švec JG, Herbst C, Havlík R, Horáček J, Krupa P, Lejska M, Miller DG. Singer's formant: Preliminary results of MRI and acoustic evaluations of singers. In: Proceedings Interaction and Feedbacks 2008, edited by I. Zolotarev, Prague: Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR [ISBN 978-80-87012-15-4]: 99-108 (2008).

  • Hunter EJ, Švec JG, Titze IR: Comparison of the produced and perceived voice range profiles in untrained and trained classical singers. Journal of Voice 20 (4): 513-526 (2006). (Link).

  • Schutte HK, Miller DG, Švec JG: Measurement of Formant Frequencies and Bandwidths in Singing. Journal of Voice, 9(3): 290-296 (1995). (Link).

Properties of Vocal Folds / Vlastnosti hlasivek:

  • Šidlof P, Švec JG, Horáček J, Veselý J, Klepáček I, Havlík R: Geometry of human vocal folds and glottal channel for mathematical and biomechanical modeling of voice production. Journal of Biomechanics 41(5):985-995 (2008). (Link)

  • Švec JG, Horáček J, Šram F, Veselý J: Resonance Properties of the Vocal Folds: In Vivo Laryngoscopic Investigation of the Externally Excited Laryngeal Vibrations. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108(4): 1397-1407 (2000). (pdf, permalink:

    • Švec JG, Schutte HK, Miller DG: A Subharmonic Vibratory Pattern in Normal Vocal Folds. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 39(1): 135-143 (1996). (Dissertation pdf).

Voice Dosimetry / Dozimetrie hlasu:

Popular science:

  • Titze IR, Hunter EJ, Švec JG: How much do teachers talk? Do they ever get a break? In: Lay Language Papers: 153rd ASA Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4 - 8 June, 2007. The Acoustical Society of America World Wide Press Room, (2007). (Free access at, accessed February 7, 2010).

Research articles:

    • Titze IR, Hunter EJ, Švec JG. Voicing and silence periods in daily and weekly vocalizations of teachers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121 (1):469-478 (2007). (pdf, permalink:

    • Nix J, Švec JG, Laukkanen A-M, Titze IR: Protocol challenges for on-the-job voice dosimetry of teachers in the United States and Finland. Journal of Voice, 21 (4): 385-396 (2007). (Link)

    • Popolo PS, Švec JG, Titze IR: Adaptation of a pocket PC for use as a wearable voice dosimeter. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 48 (4): 780-791 (2005). (Link)

    • Švec JG, Titze IR, Popolo PS: Estimation of Sound Pressure Levels of Voiced Speech from Skin Vibration of the Neck. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117(3, Pt.1): 1386-1394 (2005). (pdf, permalink:

    • Švec JG , Hunter EJ, Popolo PS, Rogge-Miller K, Titze IR: The calibration and setup of the NCVS dosimeter. NCVS Online Technical Memo No.2, April 2004, version 2.4: 1-52 (2004). (

    • Švec JG, Popolo PS, Titze IR: Measurement of Vocal Doses in Speech: Experimental Procedure and Signal Processing. Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology, 28(4): 181-192 (2003). (Link)

    • Titze IR, Švec JG, Popolo PS: Vocal Dose Measures: Quantifying Accumulated Vibration Exposure in Vocal Fold Tissues. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 46(4): 919-932 (2003). (Link)

    • Švec JG, Titze IR, Popolo PS: Vocal dosimetry: theoretical and practical issues. In: Schade G., Müller F., Wittenberg T., and Hess M. (Eds.): AQL 2003 Hamburg: Proceeding Papers for the Conference Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research [CD ROM, ISBN: 3-8167-6285-9]. IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany: 8p (2003). (pdf link)

Vocal Fold Modeling / Modelování hlasivek:

Populární články (in Czech):

    • Horáček J, Švec J: Modelování lidského hlasu: využití v klinické praxi i při zpěvu. [Modelling human voice: applications in clinical practice and in singing]. (In Czech). Vesmír 87(12): 833-835 (2008). (Free access / volný přístup).

Research articles (in English):

  • Horáček J, Laukkanen A-M, Šidlof P, Murphy P., Švec JG: Comparison of acceleration and impact stress as possible loading factors in phonation: A computer modeling study. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 61(3): 137-145 (2009).

  • Horáček J, Švec JG, Šidlof P: Numerical simulation of videokymographic images of self-oscillating vocal folds. In: AVFA '09, 3rd Advanced Voice Function Assessment International Workshop, 18th-20th May 2009, Madrid (Spain), edited by J. I. Godino-Llorente, Pedro Gómez Vilda, and R. Fraile, Madrid, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid [ISBN 84-95227-64-9]: 13-16 (2009).

  • Šidlof P, Švec JG, Horáček J, Veselý J, Klepáček I, Havlík R: Geometry of human vocal folds and glottal channel for mathematical and biomechanical modeling of voice production. Journal of Biomechanics 41(5):985-995 (2008).

  • Horáček J, Šidlof P, Švec JG: Numerical Simulation of Self-Oscillations of Human Vocal Folds with Hertz Model of Impact Forces. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 20: 853-869 (2005).

  • Horáček J, Švec JG: Aeroelastic Model of Vocal-Fold-Shaped Vibrating Element for Studying the Phonation Threshold. Journal of Fluids and Structures 16(7): 931-955 (2002).

Vocal Tract Modelling / Modelování vokálního traktu :

    • Vampola T, Laukkanen A-M, Horáček J, Švec JG: Vocal tract changes caused by phonation into a tube: A case study using computer tomography and finite element modeling. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (In press, 2010).

  • Vampola T, Horáček J, Krupa P, Švec JG, Havlík R, Lejska M: FE model of acoustic spaces and analysis of human vocal tract for ordinary and singing voce - a preliminary study. In: Proceedings Interaction and Feedbacks 2008, edited by I. Zolotarev, Prague: Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR [ISBN 978-80-87012-15-4]: 115-124 (2008).

  • Vampola T, Horáček J, Švec JG: FE modeling of human vocal tract acoustics: Part I - production of Czech vowels. Acta Acustica United with Acustica 94(3): 433-447 (2008).

  • Dedouch K, Horáček J, Vampola T, Švec JG, Kršek P, Havlík R: Acoustic modal analysis of male vocal tract for Czech vowels. In Zolotarev I (Ed.): Proceedings Interaction and Feedbacks '2002. Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, Prague [ISBN: 80-85918-75-7]: 13-20 (2002).

Scientometry, Impact Factor / Scientometrie, Impaktní faktor :

    • Schutte H.K., Švec J.G: Reaction of Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica on the current trend of impact factor measures. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 59 (6): 281-285 (2007). (link).

Clinical Studies on Voice / Klinické studie o hlasu :

  • Chrobok V, Pellant A, Šram F, Frič M, Praisler J, Prymula R, Švec JG: Medialization thyroplasty with a customized silicon implant: Clinical experience. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 60 (2):91-96 (2008). ¨

  • Pellant A, Chrobok V, Šram F, Švec J: Naše zkušenosti s tyreoplastikou typ I. [Our Experience with Thyroplasty Type I] (In Czech). Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie (Prague), 48(4): 222-226 (1999).

Lip Vibrations in Brass Instrument Playing / Kmitání rtů při hře na žesťové nástroje :

  • Šram F, Švec JG: Die Tonerzeugung beim Spielen von Blasinstrumenten [Production of Tones in Brass Instrument Playing] (In German). In Pahn J, Lamprecht-Dinnesen A, Keilmann A, Bielfeld K, and Seifert E (Eds.): Sprache und Musik. Beiträge der 71. Jahrestagung der Deutscher Gesellschaft für Sprach- und Stimmheilkunde e.V., Berlin, 12.-13. März 1999. Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik – Beihefte, No. 107. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart [ISBN: 3-515-07544-5]: 155-159 (2000).

Other / Další :

  • Emerich KA, Titze IR, Švec JG, Popolo PS, Logan G: Vocal Range and Intensity in Actors: A Studio vs. Stage Comparison. Journal of Voice, 19(1): 78-83 (2005).