

2000: Ph.D. in medical sciences. University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Faculty of Medical Sciences, Dept. Biomedical Engineering, Groningen Voice Research Lab.

Subject: Physiology of human voice (supervised by Prof.Dr. H.K.Schutte).

1996: Ph.D. in biophysics. Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Faculty of Science, Department of Experimental Physics.

Subject: Human voice production (supervised by Prof. Dr. J. Pospíšil and Dr. J. Pešák).

1990: M.Sc. in fine mechanics and optics, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.


Jan.2021-present: Research Scientist / Associate Professor,

Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Science

Sept.2019-Dec.2020: Research Scientist / Associate Professor,

Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Science

Jan.2011-Aug.2019: Research Scientist / Assistant Professor,

Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Science

Sep.2007-Dec.2010: Research Scientist / Assistant Professor,

Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Laboratory of Biophysics, Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Science.

Oct.2004-Aug.2007: Research Scientist,

University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands

Department of Biomedical Engineering, University Medical Center Groningen.

Groningen Voice Research Lab (Director Prof.Dr. H.K. Schutte).

2001-2004: Visiting Research Scientist,

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Denver, CO, USA

National Center for Voice and Speech (formerly W.J.Gould Voice Center),

(Executive Director: Prof. Dr. Ingo R. Titze)

1995-present: Research Scientist.

Medical Healthcom, Ltd., Voice Centre Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

(1995-2008 Centre for Communication Disorders, head Assoc.Prof. Dr. F. Šram;

since 2008 Voice Centre Prague, head Dr. J. Vydrová).

1995-99: Assistant Professor.

Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Prague, Czech Republic

Department of Phoniatrics and Audiology, (Head: Ass.Prof. Dr. F. Šram).


2005-2009 (3 months, in parts): Guest professor/guest researcher. Dept. Speech-Music-Hearing, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

2004 (April-June): dtto

1994 (January-April): Visiting Researcher. Centre for Biomedical Technology, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

Research and development of techniques for visualization and quantification of vocal fold movement

(invention of the method of videokymography).

Awards and Honours:

Until 2020: Over 50 invited lectures at various events across the world

2009-now: Elected as the member of Quintana Award Committee, the Voice Foundation (Philadelphia, USA). Awarding voice scientists in recognition of exceptional contributions to the understanding or treatment of voice by application of engineering principles or techniques.

2014: 2013 Best Paper Award in Speech-Language Pathology/Voice Pedagogy, Journal of Voice [for the publication Guzman MA, Laukkanen A.-M., Krupa P, Horáček J, Švec JG, Geneid A. Vocal Tract and Glottal Function During and After Vocal Exercising with Resonance Tube and Straw. Journal of Voice 27(4): 27 (4):523.e19-523.e34 (2013)].

2014: Honorary Member, Pacific Voice and Speech Foundation, USA.

2006: Distinguished Alumnus of the Palacký University in Olomouc, the Czech Republic [2006 honorary lecture from the series of Popular Scientific Lectures of Distinguished Alumni of the Palacký University in Olomouc.] ( ).

2005: Featured by the Czech Television within the series „Czech Heads“ on czech scientists. [October 26, 2005: České hlavy: Kamera, která vidí kmitat hlasivky]. ( )

2004-2010: Chair of the Voice Committee of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP).

2003: The Best Publication of 2002, Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. [for the paper Horáček J, Švec JG: Aeroelastic Model of Vocal-Fold-Shaped Vibrating Element for Studying the Phonation Threshold. Journal of Fluid and Structures 16(7): 931-955 (2002)].

2001,2003: Granted special USA visa (O1)

2000: The Best Publication of 1999, Czech Society for Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery [for the paper Švec JG, Šram F, Schutte HK: Videokymography: a New High-Speed Method for the Examination of Vocal-Fold Vibrations. (In Czech). Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie (Prague), 48(3): 155-162 (1999).

1997: The Best Scientific Video (silver medal) - AVEC World Video Festival of the XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Sydney, Australia, March 2-7, 1997 (for video program Švec JG, Schutte HK, Šram F: Introduction to Videokymography).

1996: Extraordinary Award for doctoral scientific work, Club of Alumni and Friends of the Palacký University in Olomouc [for the publication Švec JG, Schutte HK, Miller DG: A Subharmonic Vibratory Pattern in Normal Vocal Folds. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 1996; 39(1): 135-143].

1995: Fulbright Commission Award (Travel Only Grant for lecturing at the Voice Foundation's symposium “Care of the Professional Voice” in Philadelphia, PA, USA).


    • Acoustical Society of America (member since 2012, associate member since February 2002).

    • Czech Acoustic Society (individual member, since 1992).

    • European Academy of Voice (founding member, since 2009).

    • IALP - International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics/ International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (individual member since 1999).

    • ICVPB (International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics) Organizing Committee (since 2008)

    • Journal of Voice, Elsevier Medical Journals (member of editorial board, since June 2007).

    • Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, Taylor & Francis (deputy editor-in-chief 2006-12, member of editorial board 2001-2020).

    • PEVOC (Pan European Voice Conference) Advisory Board (since 2004)

    • Quintana Award Committee, the Voice Foundation (member of committe awarding voice scientists in recognition of exceptional contributions to the understanding or treatment of the voice by application of engineering principles or techniques, since 2009).

    • the Voice Foundation (associate member, since 1998).

    • Zentrum für Stimmforschung und angewandte Gesangspädagogik, Wiener Musikhochschule, Vienna (advisory board, 2008-2012).