Projects and Grants


    • - Wenner-Gren Foundations (2005). Postdoctoral stipendium at the Royal Institute of Technology (TMH), Stockholm, Sweden

    • - Wenner-Gren Foundations (2004). Guest professor/guest researcher stipendium at the Royal Institute of Technology (TMH), Stockholm, Sweden

    • - Czech Literary Fund (1995). Partial financial support of a research stay in the Voice Research Lab in Groningen

    • - Fulbright Commission (1995). Travel Only Grant for attending the Voice Foundation's symposium in Philadelphia

    • - TEMPUS JEP 1941 (1994). Six-month fellowship for a stay at the University of Groningen

    • - Jan Patočka Foundation (1993). Three-month fellowship for a stay in the Voice Research Lab in Groningen

    • - Hlávka Foundation (1993). Partial financial support of a stay in the Voice Research Lab at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands


    • Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Project GA19-04477S: Modelling and measurements of fluid-structure-acoustic interactions in biomechanics of human voice production (1.1.2019-31.12.2021). (Role: Main investigator for the Palacký University. Principal Investigator: P. Sváček, Ph.D., Czech Technical University, Prague).

    • Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Project TH04010422: VKG 3.0 (1.1.2019-31.12.2021). (Role: Team member. Principal Investigator: doc. B. Zitová, Ph.D., Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR,, Praha).

    • Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Project GA16-01246S: Computational and experimental modelling of self-induced vibrations of vocal folds and influence of their impairments on human voice. (1.1.2016-31.12.2018). (Role: Main investigator for the Palacký University. Principal Investigator: prof. T. Vampola, Ph.D., Czech Technical University, Prague).

    • Technology Agency of the Czech Republic Project TA04010877: Automatic evaluation of videokymographic recordings for early diagnosis and prevention of vocal fold tumors (1.7.2014-30.6.2017). (Role: Main investigator for the Palacký University. Principal Investigator: MUDr. J.Vydrová, Medical Healthcom, s.r.o., Prague).

    • European Social Fund Project OPVK CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0004: Support for creating excellent research teams and intersectora mobility at the Palacký University Olomouc (1.7.2012-30.6.2015); (Role: Coinvestigator/Mentor. Principal Investigator: prof. RNDr. J. Ulrichová, CSc., Palacký University Olomouc).

    • European Social Fund Project OP VK CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0057: Progress and internationalization of biophysical research at Faculty of Science, Palacký University in Olomouc (1.1.2012-31.12.2014). (Role: Coinvestigator. Principal Investigator: prof. P. Ilík, Ph.D., Palacký University Olomouc).

    • European Social Fund Project OP VK CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0009: New methods and technologies for education, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation of human voice - connecting basic research in voice physiology with university education and stays at a specialized health institute (1.6.2011-31.5.2014). (Role: Main investigator at the Palacky University. Principal Investigator: MUDr. J.Vydrová, Medical Healthcom, s.r.o., Prague).

    • European Social Fund Project OP VK CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0309: Innovation and increase of attractiveness of biophysics studies (1.6.2011-31.5.2014). (Role: Team member. Principal investigator: prof. RNDr. P. Ilík, Ph.D., Palacký University Olomouc).

    • GAČR 101/08/1155: Computer and physical modelling of vibroacoustic properties of human vocal tract for optimization of voice quality (2008-2010). ((Role: Main investigator at the Palacky University. Principal investigator: J.Horáček, Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, Prague)

    • STW – GK 5973: Voice Diagnostics in a New Perspective (2004-2007). Project supported by the Foundation for technical sciences (STW, the Netherlands) devoted to development of a new videokymographic system for diagnostics of voice disorders. (Principal Investigator: H.K.Schutte).

    • NIDCD 1 RO1 DC04224-01A1: Research Toward Occupational Safety in Vocalization (since 2001). Project supported by the National Institute of Health, USA devoted to development of safety criteria as well as techniques and strategies of protection and therapy for professional voice users. (Principal Investigator: I.R.Titze).

    • EUREKA E!2614 – NEWVOICE: A New Voice For The Voiceless: Design of a Voice-Producing Shunt Prosthesis to Improve Voice Quality After Laryngectomy (Oct.1, 2003-Dec.31, 2005) Project of the European Community. For some patients, voice production after laryngectomy is impossible. For others voice quality is unpredictable or poor. To enable high-quality voice production for those patients, a voice-producing shunt prosthesis will be developed. (Principal Investigator: G.J.Verkerke; PI of the Czech part OE129: F.Šram).

    • GA ČR 106/98/K019: Mathematical and Physical Modeling of Vibroacoustic Systems in Voice and Hearing Biomechanics (Jan.1,1998-Dec.31,2003), supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. Project devoted to the complex modeling of vibrations of various parts of human body involved in voice and hearing. (Principal Investigator: J. Horáček).

    • IGA MZ ČR 6130-3: Research on the application of videokymography for early diagnostics of voice disorders, (Jan.1,2000-Dec.31,2002), supported by the Grant Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. (Principal Investigator: F. Šram)

    • Videokymographic and acoustic inverse filtering study on microdynamics of vocal fold vibrations using living subjects and biomechanical models (1999). Cooperation project between the Finnish Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

    • EUREKA EU 723: Implantable Restoring Devices - A Total Artificial Larynx (1996-1999). Project of the European Community devoted to the developement of an implantable artificial larynx for people who underwent laryngectomy due to laryngeal cancer. (Principal Investigator: G.J.Verkerke)

    • NIH SBIR grant #1R43RR013192-01 Quantitative Assessment of Videokymography (1997-1998). Project supported by the National Institute of Health, USA, devoted to development of a system for objective analysis of the laryngeal vibrations by means of videokymography (Consultant. Principal Investigator: D. Deliyski).