Extracurricular Activities

  • Guitar player in the Big band Jazz Venture, Groningen, NL. (2005-7). http://www.jazzventure.nl/

  • Musician (composer, singer, guitar player, harmonica player) in the Czech acoustic-jazz group PIANO. (1983-92)


  • 1989: Double winners of the Czechoslovak national folk & country competition "PORTA 1989" http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porta

  • 1988 and 1989: Winners of the Czech national competition of university music groups "Academic Prague"

Published records:

  • CD/LP/MC Piano (Piano, 1991; PI 0001-2 311)

Appearance on compilations:

  • LP Porta 1990 (Porta, 1990; C1 0002-1 311)

  • LP/MC Porta ’89 (Supraphon 1989; 11 0415-1 311)