Whole Person Strengths Report 2024

Jamie’s Whole Person Strengths Report

February 1, 2024

About This Report

Your Whole Person Strengths Report is a starting point in increasing self-awareness. Calculated based on your Whole Person Assessment responses, it provides insight on how you're doing in each of the 25 Whole Person Skills. These skills are thoroughly researched concepts that will help you better understand how you show up in both work and life.

Your Whole Person Strengths

These are your top 5 Whole Person Skills, measured at the beginning of your BetterUp journey.

You treat yourself as you would a friend by not being overly critical or ruminating on shortcomings. This practice will help you be more resilient to setbacks and contribute to higher levels of well-being. Those with self-compassion as a strength:

You are able to shift your thinking quickly and successfully adapt to the demands of the situation. This skill allows you to solve problems efficiently, adjust to last minute changes, and identify novel solutions. Those with cognitive agility as a strength:

You guide and support others’ development through coaching. You have the ability to enable the growth of others by asking insightful questions and helping colleagues get the resources they need to be at their best. This might mean you:

You are able to maintain a healthy balance between your work life and personal life. Doing so helps you maintain strong social connections, prevents burnout, and improves your general well-being. Those with work-life balance as a strength: