
Stanford University - Department of Emergency Medicine

How to Get Started as Clinical Scientist and Conduct Research at Stanford, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo, Alto, CA 

Audience: Emergency Medicine Year 1 Fellows

How to Prepare an Abstract for Publication in a Journal and for Presentation at a Conference, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo, Alto, CA 

Audience: Emergency Medicine Residents

Tennessee Department of Health - Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Resource Coordinators and Regional Healthcare Coordinators Quarterly Meetings, TN 

2018 - 2019

Budget and finance updates.

Grant process direction.

Purchasing and acquisition guidance

Federal regulation interpretation

America's Service Commission and the Corporation for National and Community Service, South Cluster National Service Conference, Knoxville, TN

September 8 – 10, 2013

Designing Effective Action for Change: Theory of Change

Theory of Change: This module is designed to provide an overview of Theory of Change. By the end of the module, participants will be able to describe the benefits of a Theory of Change; define the three elements needed to construct a Theory of Change; and identify how the Theory of Change informs program design.

Evidence: What It Is and Where to Find It

This module will provide detailed information on evidence and evidence-based interventions. By the end of the module, participants will be able to describe evidence-based interventions; identify the approved sources of evidence; find evidence for your intervention; assess the utility of evidence you have located; and use evidence for your intervention.

Tennessee Conference on Volunteerism and Service-Learning, Nashville, TN

February 28 – March 1, 2011

Using the 8 Standards and Indicators of Service-Learning to Evaluate National Service Program Effectiveness

Service-Learning is an effective teaching method that motivates participants through participant led service activities that apply academic knowledge and/or skills in a service setting. Using the 8 Standards and Indicators of Service-Learning, we can improve the quality of our National Service program’s service in the community and develop better experiences for AmeriCorps members and participants. This presentation will give a high-quality tool for program participants, members, and staff to use to evaluate program effectiveness.

AmeriCorps Information Session, New Program Director/Staff Training, Grant Application Process, Technical Assistance, TN

Yearly 2009-2014