Help Us

The website is also in need of information for many years, and if you have a dusty old scrapbook, videos, photos please share.  This stuff does no good collecting dust in your attic.  There was a fire at TJ and curators of information have since passed.  Many of the films, stats, and photos have been lost.  Please help us tell the story of Thomas Jefferson Jaguar Football.  There has been tremendous help thus far, but we need more.  You can email us at  

If interested in taking ownership of completing this information yourself by developing a year, or two, or three; please email:  

This process is simple and easily explained, and you will have full creative control of the particular year(s) you choose.  As the developer we ask you only make changes to the years you have control of. Any changes to layout or other areas of site must be approved.  A good template to follow is under the year 1991 for the team pages, but not limited to this.

Thank you!