Biometrics & Computing

Biometrics and computing works/ services of Dr Bal Krishna Joshi

We provide consultancy works/services and training on biometrical analysis of genetics, biotechnology, plant breeding, molecular based data, general statistics, socioeconomic data, agrobiodiversity, GIS+CAT, etc.

Biometrical Works

1. Regular resource person for training on statistics, plant breeding, biotechnology and agrobiodiversity including GIS+CAT

2. Analyzed and interpreted research data of NARC and NAST scientists

3. Stability analysis for variety release in rice, tori, soybean, wheat, lentil, groundnut and sugarcane

4. Worked as a Statistical Editor for Nepal Agriculture Research Journal

5. Course instructor on MSC Plant Breeding. 2016. 1. Quantitative Genetics (PLB715, 3+0); 2. Biometrics and Bioinformatics, AFU, Rampur

6. Syllabus on biometrics developed for NARC scientists and technical officers

7. Subject Matter Committee member (2070-06) for course curriculum development to Master degree on Biotechnology (including biometrics and bioinformatics), AFU, Rampur. 2014

8. Taught agricultural biotechnology to BSc students of SHANN International College, KathmTraining on Data Analysis and Proposal Write-up in Agricultural Research. 3-5 Baisakh 2073, RARS, Lumle

9. Training Workshop on Strengthening Post Plant Breeding Research in Nepal. 8-10 June 2015 (25-27 Jestha 2072). ABD, Khumaltar.

10. Training Workshop on Research Methodology in Agriculture. 07-11 Asad 2072. NARI, Khumaltar.

11. Training on Crop Experimental Design and Data Analysis (CEDDA). 27 – 30 Dec 2014 (12- 15 Paush 2071). NMRP-NARC, Rampur. Organized by CIMMYT, Kathmandu.

12. Regional Training Workshop on Management of Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources: Eastern Development Region. 11-12 May 2015 (28-29 Baisakh 2072). RARS-NARC, Tarahara. Organized by Genebank

13. Resource person for Biometrical Training for Agricultural Researchers (BITAR), 5-8 Feb 2014. CIMMYT, Kathmandu

14. Training on computer aided biometrical analysis for agricultural researchers, 23-28 Falgun, 2062, NARI, Khumaltar

15. Training on biotechnology. (25-29 Dec 2005 (10-14 Paush 2062), NASRI-NARC, Khumaltar

16. Training on research design and data management. 21-25 June 2004. NASRI, Khumaltar

17. Assistant trainer on ecogeographic survey on genetic diversity of tropical fruit tree species and use of GIS tools. By NARC/IPGRI, 17-19 June 2003, Khumaltar

18. Supported for data analysis and interpretation to students of IAAS, HICAST, TU and staff of NARC, NAST, DoF, Designed details of Genetic Resources Management Complex (National Genebank)

19. Analyzed thesis research data of 6 MSc students enrolled in TU, Kirtipur and helped to interpret. Similar services to 20 MSc students of IAAS, Rampur

20. Statistical contribution to some projects of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar

21. Statistical consultant of one forest research project (Department of Forest) funded by HARP

22. Resource person in NUS Writeshop. 23-24 Feb 2015, Pokhara. LIBIRD

Publication Related to Biometrics

1. Joshi BK, K Okuno, R Ohsawa and HP Bimb. 2010. Principal component and cluster analyses of Nepalese Tartary buckwheat diversity. Fagopyrum 27:55-66.

2. Joshi BK, K Okuno, R Ohsawa, H Hayashi, C Otobe and M Kawase. 2011. Characterization and evaluation of Tartary buckwheat accessions simultaneously in augmented design. Fagopyrum 28: 23-41.

3. Joshi BK, K Okuno, R Ohsawa, M Kawase, C Otobe, H Hayashi and S Meyers. 2011. Biplot analysis on multiple traits of Bhate (rice) and non-Bhate (normal) types of Tartary buckwheat. Fagopyrum 28: 9-15.

4. Joshi BK, HP Bimb, BK Baniya, SB Bishowkarma, K Okuno and R Ohsawa. 2008. Multivariate analysis of agromorphological variation in common and tartary buckwheat species. Fagopyrum 25:29-35.

5. Joshi BK, HB KC, MP Uadhyay, SR Gupta, BR Lu, PN Mathur and BR Sthapit. 2008. Ex-situ and in-situ management of wild and weedy rice in Nepal using a geographical information system. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 155: 69-74.

6. Joshi BK and BK Baniya. 2006. A diversity in qualitative traits of Nepalese cultivated buckwheat species. Fagopyrum 23:23-27.

7. Joshi BK. 2006. Diversity based on coefficient of parentage among Nepalese rice cultivars recommended for Tarai and Inner Tarai of Nepal. J. Plant Breed. Group 1:53-62.

8. Joshi BK, HB KC, RK Tiwari, P Shrestha, R Amagain and MP Upadhyay. 2005. Varietal richness of agricultural crop species and farmers’ preferred traits over space and time in Nepal. Botanica Oreintalis (Journal of Plant Science) 5: 69-74.

9. Joshi BK. 2005. Statistical guidelines. Nepal Agric. Res J. 6:138.

10. Joshi BK, MP Upadhyay, HP Bimb, D Gauchan and BK Baniya. 2005. Data analysis methods adopted under in situ global project in Nepal. Nepal Agric. Res. J. 6:99-109.

11. Joshi BK. 2005. Correlation, regression and path coefficients analyses for some yield components in common and Tartary buckwheat in Nepal. Fagopyrum 22:77-82.

12. Joshi BK. 2016. Response difference stability model simplify the identification of stable rice genotypes for low temperature environment. Agronomy Journal of Nepal 4:1-8.

13. Joshi BK, MP Upadhyay D Gauchan, BR Sthapit and KD Joshi. 2004. Red listing of agricultural crop species, varieties and landraces. Nepal Agric. Res. J. 5:73-80.

14. Joshi BK. 2004. Yield stability of tartary buckwheat genotypes in Nepal. Fagopyrum 21:1-5.

15. Joshi BK and NP Shrestha. 2003. Statistical software used by NARC scientists. NARC Newsletter 10(1):4-5.

16. Joshi BK, S Gyawali and DS Poudyal. 2002. Regression analyses and multiple comparison procedures: Uses and misuses. JIST. 12:69-81.

Software Generally used to Analyze

  • Genstat, MSTATC, INSTAT, Minitab, SAS, RStudio, SPSS, IRRISTAT, STAR, SPAR, GGE Biplot, KIN, Past, DIPVIEW, etc
  • Ntsys1.7, WinQTL Cartographer, Genestat, POPGENE, GDA, MapMaker, PyElph, GelAnalyzer, GenAlEx, PowerMarker, Structure, MEGA, GIS tools (FloraMap, Maxent, CAT and DIVA-GIS), etc
  • DOS, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MX Excel, MS Outlook, MS Access, etc
  • Photoshop, Acrobat, Google Form, SurveyMonkey, EndNote, Zotero, etc