
Dr Bal Krishna Joshi's Recognition


    • Special contributing scientist, 2017 by NARC. बिशेष योगदान सम्मान पत्र l २०७३ l नार्क
    • Technology Award (National level) 2016, by NAST. प्रबिधि पुरस्कार l २०७२ l नास्ट, खुमलटार
    • Most outstanding principal investigator for Integrated Management System of Plant Genetic Resources 2016, awarded by AFACI, RDA, Korea
    • Graduate Research Assistantship in Tomato Breeding in North Carolina State University, NC, US, 2009
    • RONPAKU fellowship for PhD in Tsukuba University, 2008-2012, JSPS, Japan
    • Science and Technology Youth Award, 2007, NAST, Nepal (, Nepal,
    • Nominated by NARC for 1. Outstanding scientist of CGIAR science award 2007, 2. Outstanding scientific article of CGIAR science award 2007, 3. NARC award, Nepal, 2007, 4. Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers, 2007 and 5. Young scientist award of NAST, Nepal 2005
    • Best paper and presentation award on 2nd SAS Convention, 2003 Khumaltar (See Proc. of 2nd SAS Convention at
    • Best player award on volleyball
    • 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes on volley-ball
    • 1st prizes on folk-dance
    • 1st and 4th prizes on art
    • 2nd prizes on football, quiz contest and athletics (10 km long run)
    • 3rd prize on shot put and folk dance
    • Participated in 100 m track, 400 m relay, long jump and badminton