
Newsletter and Others


1. Sah SN and BK Joshi. 2020. Production technology for hybrid rice in Nepal. NARC and Karma Seed Company, Kathmandu; pp.1-11.

2. जोशी, बालकृष्ण , दिपेन्द्र कुमार ऐर, कृष्ण हरि घिमिर र देवेन्द्र गौचन । २०७६ । उत्परिवर्त नशील बाली प्रजनन् परियोजना । जानकारी– पत्र १: १–४ । ली–बर्ड, राष्ट्रीय जीन बैंक र बायाभर्सिट इन्टरनेशनल, नेपाल ।

3. जोशी, बालकृष्ण , दिपेन्द्र कुमार ऐर, कृष्ण हरि घिमिर र देवेन्द्र गौचन । २०७६ । उत्परिवर्त नशील बाली प्रजनन्: के हो, किन र कसरि गरिन्छ । जानकारी– पत्र २: १–८ । ली–बर्ड, राष्ट्रीय जीन बैंक र बायाभर्सिट इन्टरनेशनल, नेपाल ।


4. जोशी, बालकृष्ण र कृष्ण हरि घिमिरे । २०७५ । कोदोको बीउ संरक्षण । राष्ट्रीय कृषि आनुवंशिक स्रोत केन्द्र l नेपाल जिनबैंक पत्र, अंक १७ ललितपुर l

5. Sthapit B, D Gauchan, S Sthapit, KH Ghirmire, BK Joshi, D Jarvis and J Herrle. 2017. A Field Guide to Participatory Methods for Sourcing New Crop Diversity. NARC, LI-BIRD, Bioversity International. Nepal.

6. Sthapit B, D Gauchan, S Sthapit, N Pudasaini, BK Joshi and A Byrnes. 2016. An Introduction to Diversity Field School. NARC, LIBIRD and Bioversity International. Kathmandu, Nepal.


7. जोशी, बालकृष्ण, देवेन्द्र गौचन, भुवन रत्न स्थापित, रिता गुरुङ, सुकबहादुर गुरुङ र सुभाष गौतम । जातीय मिश्रित खेतीप्रणाली र यसका फाइदाहरू l जानकारी–पत्र, अङ्क ९, वर्ष २०७४ । ली–बर्ड, राष्ट्रिय जीन बैंक, कृषि विभाग र बायोभर्सीटी इन्टरनेशनल, नेपाल ।

8. जोशी, बालकृष्ण र कृष्ण हरि घिमिरे । २०७५ । कृषि जैविक विविधता सम्बन्धी मेलाहरु र तिनका प्रकार । राष्ट्रीय कृषि आनुवंशिक स्रोत केन्द्र, खुमलटार, ललितपुर । नेपाल जीन बैंक पत्र, अंक १६ बर्ष २०७५, ललीतपुर l

9. जोशी बालकृष्ण, कृष्ण हरि घिमिरे, देवेन्द्र गौच र भारत भण्डारी l २०७५ l विविधता मार्फत समाधान (Diversity rich solution) l जानकारी पत्र श्रीन्खला अंक १०, बर्ष २०७५ l रास्ट्रिय जिन बैंक, कृषि बिभाग, लिबर्ड, बायोभर्सिटी इन्टरनेसनल, नेपाल l

10. श्रेस्ठ पिताम्बर, बालकृष्ण जोशी, कृष्ण घिमिरे र देवेन्द्र गौचन l २०७५ l संक्षिप्त प्रतिवेदन, सुझाउ र कार्ययोजना, सामुदायिक बीउ बैंक सम्बन्धि दोस्रो राष्ट्रिय कार्यशाला गोष्ठी, बि.सं. २०७५ बैशाख २०–२२ गते, ललितपुर, नेपाल l नेपाल कृषि अनुसन्धान परिषद, जैविक विविधता अनुसन्धान तथा विकासका लागि स्थानीय पहल (ली–बर्ड) र वायोभर्सिटि ईन्टरनेशनल l


1. Sthapit B, D Gauchan, S Sthapit, KH Ghirmire, BK Joshi, D Jarvis and L Herrle. 2017. A field guide to participatory methods for sourcing new crop diversity. NARC/LI-BIRD/Bioversity International.

2. Joshi BK. 2017. Conservation and utilization of agro-biodiversity advanced from 1937 to 2017 in Nepal. In: Krishi Sanchar Smarika (F Devkota, ed). Agricultural Information and Communication Center (AICC), MoAD; pp.181-208.

3. Joshi BK and D Gauchan. 2017. Chapter I. Crop Biodiversity in Nepal. In: The state of Nepal’s biodiversity for food and agriculture (BK Joshi, AK Acharya, D Gauchan and P Chaudhary, eds). Ministry of Agricultural Development, Kathmandu, Nepal; pp.22-33.

4. Acharya AK, BK Joshi, D Gauchan and YP Poudel. 2017. Chapter V. Associated Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture in Nepal. In: The state of Nepal’s biodiversity for food and agriculture (BK Joshi, AK Acharya, D Gauchan and P Chaudhary, eds). Ministry of Agricultural Development, Kathmandu, Nepal; pp.60-73.

5. Singh D and BK Joshi. 2017. Traditional Practices of Bean Production: An option for Diversity Rich Solution to Combat Stresses. 7 Jul 2017,


6. Sthapit B, D Gauchan, S Sthapit, N Pudasaini, BK Joshi and A Byrnes. 2016. Diversity field school. LIBIRD, NARC and BI, Nepal.

7. Joshi BK, KH Ghimire, D Singh and MN Paduel. 2016. Conservation options, methods and programs for Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources in Nepal. National Agriculture Genetic Resources Center, Khumaltar, Lalitpur.

8. Joshi BK, S Sapkota, K Poudyal, D Singh, KH Ghimire and MN Paudel. 2016. Bibliography of Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources in Nepal. National Agriculture Genetic Resources Center, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Khumaltar, Kathmandu.

9. आले शान्ति, बालकृष्ण जोशी र दीपक उपाध्यय l २०७३ l खाध्य तथा कृषिका लागि वानस्पतिक आनुबंशिक स्रोत समन्धि अन्तरास्ट्रिय सन्धिमा उल्लेखित बहुपक्षिय पद्धति, कृषक अधिकार र पहुँच तथा लाभको बांडफांड l लिबर्ड, नार्क, कृषि मन्त्रालय र बायोवर्सिटी इन्टरनेसनल l नेपाल l

10. NAGRC. 2016. National agriculture genetic resources center, Genebank. Fact sheet (BK Joshi). Khumaltar, Lalitpur.


11. Joshi BK. 2015. Wheat genetic resources: Diversity, conservation and utilization. Wheat Working Group Meeting (WWGM). National Wheat Research Program, 28-29 June, 2015, Bhairahawa, pp.7-10.


12. Genebank. 2014. Annual Report 207/71 (2013/14). National Agriculture Genetic Resources Center (Genebank). BK Joshi, KH Ghimire and D Singh, eds. Khumaltar.

13. Genebank. 2014. National Agriculture Genetic Resources Center. Khumaltar. Brochure.

14. Joshi BK, KH Ghimire and SK Shrestha, eds. 2014. AFACI Pan Asia Project (IMPGR): Exploration, regeneration and conservation of endangered cereals, grain legumes from Central Mid and High Hills of Nepal. Project Completion Report and Outcomes. National Agriculture Genetic Resources Centre (Genebank) and Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI). Khumaltar, Kathmandu, Nepal.

15. Joshi BK. 2014. Field genebank: Concept, establishment and management. Leaflet, NAGRC.

16. Joshi BK. 2014. Nepal, one of the centers of diversity for buckwheat. NARC Newsletter 21(1):4-5.

17. Revised the collection passport descriptors form in English and Nepali and developed brief passport descriptors form for collecting agriculture genetic resources from national organizations. 2014

18. जोशी बालकृष्ण l २०७२ l गहुँको स्थानीय जातहरु: विविधिता, प्रयोग तथा संरक्षण l उन्नत गहुँ उत्पादन प्रबिधि संग्रह, राष्ट्रिय गहुँबाली आनुसन्धान कार्यक्रम, भैरहवा, पेज: १७-२० l

19. जोशी बालकृष्ण र कृष्ण हरि घिमिरे l २०७२ l फापर बालीमा बिबिधता, बिउ छनौट र उत्पादन l राष्ट्रिय जिन बैंक,खुमलटार l

20. जोशी, बालकृष्ण, देवेन्द्र गौचन, भुवन रत्न स्थापित, रिता गुरुङ, सुकबहादुर गुरुङ र सुभाष गौतम । २०७४ l जातीय मिश्रित खेतीप्रणाली र यसका फाइदाहरू l जानकारी–पत्र, अङ्क ९ । ली–बर्ड, राष्ट्रिय जीन बैंक, कृषि विभाग र बायोभर्सीटी इन्टरनेशनल, नेपाल ।

21. जोशी बालकृष्ण र कृष्णहरि घिमिरे l २०७२ l फापर बालीको खेती तथा जातीय सुधार l जानकारी–पत्र, अङ्क १, ली–बर्ड, राष्ट्रिय जीन बैंक, कृषि विभाग र बायोभर्सीटी इन्टरनेशनल, नेपाल ।

22. जोशी बालकृष्ण र कृष्णहरि घिमिरे l २०७२ l चिनो खेती र बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि l जानकारी–पत्र, अङ्क ४, ली–बर्ड, राष्ट्रिय जीन बैंक, कृषि विभाग र बायोभर्सीटी इन्टरनेशनल, नेपाल ।

23. श्रेष्ठ दिपा र बालकृष्ण जोशी l कृषि जैबिक विविधता संरक्षण तथा उपयोगको लागि फिल्ड जिन बैंकको स्थापना र ब्यबस्थापन प्रबिधि l किताब: उन्नत कृषि प्रबिधि प्यकेजिंग l कृषि प्रसारनिर्देशनालय, कृषि बिभाग, हरिहर भवन, ललितपुर्, पेज: १२३-१३९ l


1. Joshi BK, D Singh and MR Bhatta. 2013. Genebank manages agricultural plant genetic resources through five different banks. NARC Newsletter 20(3):4-5

2. Joshi BK, MR Bhatta and KH Ghimire. 2013. Shali Dhan: Elite line of rice from Far West Nepal developed under the pre-breeding program in Genebank, Khumaltar. NARC Newsletter 20(4):5


1. Adhikari A, MP Upadhyay, BK Joshi, D Rijal, P Chaudhary, I Paudel, K Baral, P Pageni, S Subedi and B Sthapit. 2012. Multiple approach to community sensitization. In: On-farm management of agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Good practices (BR Sthapit, P Shrestha and MP Upadhyay, eds). NARC, LIBIRD and Bioversity International, Nepal. Pp.21-24.

2. Bajracharya J, R Rana, BK Joshi, A Subedi and B Sthapit. 2012. Measuring on-farm crop diversity. In: On-farm management of agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Good practices (BR Sthapit, P Shrestha and MP Upadhyay, eds). NARC, LIBIRD and Bioversity International, Nepal. Pp.9-12.

3. Genebank. 2012. National Agriculture Genetic Resources Center. Brochure, Genebank-NARC, Khumaltar, Nepal

4. Genebank. 2012. National Agriculture Genetic Resources Center. Fact sheet, Genebank-NARC, Khumaltar, Kathmandu.

5. Gyawali S, B Sthapit, B Bhandari, D Gauchan, BK Joshi, M Tripathi, PK Shrestha, KD Joshi and A Subedi. 2012. Participatory landrace enhancement: An economic incentive to support on-farm management of agrobiodiversity. In: On-farm management of agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Good practices (BR Sthapit, P Shrestha and MP Upadhyay, eds). NARC, LIBIRD and Bioversity International, Nepal. Pp.53-56.

6. Gyawali S, B Sthapit, BK Joshi, A Mudwari and J Bajracharya. 2012. Participatory plant breeding: A strategy of on-farm conservation and improvement of landraces. In: On-farm management of agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Good practices (BR Sthapit, P Shrestha and MP Upadhyay, eds). NARC, LIBIRD and Bioversity International, Nepal. Pp.45-48.

7. Joshi BK and MR Bhatta. 2012. Establishment of National Agriculture Genetic Resources Centre (Genebank) in Nepal. APO Newsletter (Bioversity International) 59:5

8. Sthapit B, R Rana, A Subedi, S Gyawali, J Bajracharya, P Chaudhary, BK Joshi, S Sthapit, KD Joshi and P Shrestha. 2012. Participatory four-cell analysis (FCA) for understanding local crop diversity. In: On-farm management of agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Good practices (BR Sthapit, P Shrestha and MP Upadhyay, eds). NARC, LIBIRD and Bioversity International, Nepal. Pp.13-16.

9. Sthapit B, S Gyawali, R Gautam and BK Joshi. 2012. Diversity kits: Deplyoing new diversity to farmers. In: On-farm management of agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Good practices (BR Sthapit, P Shrestha and MP Upadhyay, eds). NARC, LIBIRD and Bioversity International, Nepal. Pp.33-36.


10. Joshi BK, HP Bimb and K Okuno. 2008. Why buckwheat: Farmers, health and environmental perspectives. NARC Newsletter 15(4):8


11. Joshi BK and HP Bimb. 2006. Isozyme and molecular based research for crop improvement and management in Biotechnology Unit, NARC. NARC Newsletter 13 (3): 4, 7.


12. Joshi BK. 2004. Agro-biodiversity conservation strategy. NARC Newsletter 11(1):5.

13. Joshi BK. 2004. Crossing frequency and ancestors used in developing Nepalese rice cultivars NARC Newsletter 11(4):6-7.

14. Joshi BK. 2004. Hiunde Rice: 35 years old practice in Nepal. NARC Newsletter (Special issue):6


15. Joshi BK and M Joshi. 2003. The Asian hive bee supporting the farmers’ life in Sankhuwasava. Conservation Newsletter (RRN) 3(3):11-14.

16. Joshi BK and NP Shrestha. 2003. Statistical software used by NARC scientists. NARC Newsletter 10(1):4-5.

17. Joshi BK. 2003. Wild relatives of rice in Nepal: Uses and challenges. SAIC Newsletter 13(4):9.

18. जोशी बालकृष्ण l २०६० l कृषिमा अनुबंश परिवर्तित कृषि बस्तुहरुको प्रयोग: वातावरण, जनस्वास्थ तथा किसानका लागि अधिकारहरुमा पर्ने प्रभावहरु l जानकारी पत्र, जनहित संरक्षण मंच l २०६० मंसिर ३(१): १-८ l (Summary in English, Genetically modified organism: Opportunities and challenges for farmers)

19. जोशी बालकृष्ण, असोक मुडवरी र बिमल बानिया l नेपालमा पनि हिउँदे धान खेति गर्न सकिने l कान्तिपुर २०६०/ ११/ ३, आइतबार l

Up to 2002

20. Bajracharya J, PR Tiwari, DM Shakya, BK Baniya, T Brown, MP Upadhyay, BR Sthapit, D Jarvis and BK Joshi. 2002. Isozyme polymorphism in barley landraces. NARC Newsletter, 9(2): 4-5.

21. Joshi BK and HP Bimb. 2001. In-vitro embryo culture of Tite and Mithe buckwheat. NARC Newsletter 8(4):4-5.

22. Joshi BK and HP Bimb. 2002. Callusing ability of anthers of Nepalese wheat cultivars. NARC Newsletter 9(4):5, 8.

23. Joshi BK and HP Bimb. 2002. Rice anther culture at NARC Khumaltar. NARC Newsletter, 9(1):5.

24. Joshi BK and MP Upadhyay. 2002. Need of policy supports for conservation and utilization of agro biodiversity. The Rising Nepal, Sat Feb 16.

25. Joshi BK and MR Joshi. 2002. A field assessment of finger millet (Kodo) diversity in Sankhuwasabha district Nepal. Conservation Newsletter, (RRN) 2(2):3-5.

26. Joshi BK. 1995. Local seed improvement & conservation. Parivartan (USCCN), 2(3): 8-10 (in Nepali).

27. Joshi BK. 1996. Bamboo propagation technique. Parivartan (USCCN) 1(2): 12. (in Nepali).

28. Joshi BK. 1996. Sloping agricultural land technology. Kissan 3(7):3-6 (in Nepali).