

1. Bhandari GR, BK Joshi, D Gauchan, B Bhandari and S Panta. 2020. Development of Proso Millet Dehusker. National Sharing Workshop. GEF/UNEP Local Crop Project. NARC/LIBIRD/DoA/Bioversity International. 24 Feb, 2020; Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur

2. Ayer DK, BK Joshi, B Bhandari, KH Ghimire, P Shrestha, S Shrestha and D Gauchan. 2020. Grassroots breeding: a simple participatory crop improvement approach. National Sharing Workshop. GEF/UNEP Local Crop Project. NARC/LIBIRD/DoA/Bioversity International. 24 Feb, 2020; Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur

3. Karkee A, BKJoshi, KH Ghimire, R Gurung, N Pudasaini, S Panta, PB Paneru and D Gauchan. 2020. Climate change trends in the Mountains of Nepal: Implications for Traditional Crops. National Sharing Workshop. GEF/UNEP Local Crop Project. NARC/LIBIRD/DoA/Bioversity International. 24 Feb, 2020; Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur

4. Joshi BK, DK Ayar, KH Ghimire, KK Mishra and D Gauchan. 2020. On-farm Trials and Preferential Ranking for Facilitated Decision on Choice and Registration of Crop Cultivars (Varieties and Landraces). National Sharing Workshop. GEF/UNEP Local Crop Project. NARC/LIBIRD/DoA/Bioversity International. 24 Feb, 2020; Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur

5. Joshi BK, KH Ghimire, B Bhandari, D Gauchan, R Gurung and N Pudasaini. 2020. Red Zoning Agricultural Areas and Red Listing Landraces for Stopping Loss of Agricultural Genetic Resources through Priority Conservation Work. National Sharing Workshop. GEF/UNEP Local Crop Project. NARC/LIBIRD/DoA/Bioversity International. 24 Feb, 2020; Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur.

6. जोशी बालकृष्ण, देवेन्द्र गौचन, श्री प्रसाद विष्ट, सुक बहादुर गुरुङ र सुबास गौतम l २०७६ l जातिय मिश्रित खेती : जोखिम रहित खेति र जातीय आनुवंशिक स्रोत संरक्षण गर्ने एक सरल तरिका l National Sharing Workshop. GEF/UNEP Local Crop Project. NARC/LIBIRD/DoA/Bioversity International. 24 Feb, 2020; Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur.

7. Joshi BK, D Gauchan and D Jarvis. 2020. Geographical Indication for Secure Marketing with Premium Price and Conserving Unique Landraces On-farm. National Sharing Workshop. GEF/UNEP Local Crop Project. NARC/LIBIRD/DoA/Bioversity International. 24 Feb, 2020; Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur.


8. Pandey MP and BK Joshi. 2017. Nepalese crop genetic resources: Richness and opportunities. In: 4th International Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources, 3-7 Sept 2017, Giessen, Germany.


9. Joshi BK. Diversity Rich Solution and Climate Smart Crop Varieties for Secured Crop Harvest. National Adaptation Plan; i. For display under the Nepal's Adaptation work in the UNFCCC COP 22 Exhibition, 7-18 Nov 2016, Marakkesh, Morocco; ii. 2nd National Workshop on Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources (CUAPGR); 22-23 May 2017 (8-9 Jestha 2074); Dhulikhel, Nepal.

10. NAGRC. 2016. National agriculture genetic resources center, Genebank. Fact sheet (BK Joshi). Khumaltar, Lalitpur.

Before 2014

1. Joshi BK, D Singh and M Bhattarai. 2013. Diversity in Chayote, Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw; 2n=22, 24,28. Genebank, NARC, Khumaltar, Kathmandu. Pictorial poster.

2. Joshi BK. 2013. Germplasm management system in NAGRC (Genebank). Khumaltar, Kathmandu. Poster

3. Joshi BK. 2013. Pedigree Tree of Khumal-4: How Important Multilateral System of Access to National and International Crop Gene Pools. Genebank, Khumaltar. Flow diagram.

4. Joshi BK, MR Bhatta and KH Ghimire. 2013. Cultivated and Wild Amaranths (Amaranthus sp., 2n=32, 34). Genebank-NARC, Khumaltar. Pictorial poster.

5. Joshi BK, MR Bhatta and KH Ghimire. 2013. Unique Crop Landraces. Genebank-NARC, Khumaltar. Pictorial poster.

6. Joshi BK and MR Bhatta. 2012. Agro-biodiversity in Maps. NAGRC-NARC, Khumaltar.

7. Joshi BK and MR Bhatta. 2012. Nepalese Agriculture in Maps. NAGRC-NARC, Khumaltar.

8. Joshi BK and MR Bhatta. 2012. Stepwise activities in Genebank. NAGRC-NARC, Khumaltar.

9. Joshi BK, MR Bhatta and KH Ghimire. 2012. An introduction to National Agriculture Genetic Resources Center (Genebank). NAGRC-NARC, Khumaltar.

10. Joshi BK. 2012. In-vitro culture lab. NAGRC-NARC, Khumaltar.

11. Joshi BK. 2012. Molecular lab. NAGRC-NARC, Khumaltar.

12. Joshi BK, J Davis and DR Panthee. 2011. How we improve and develop tomato cultivars. Winter Vegetable Conference, 16-17 February 2011, Crown Plaza Resort, Asheville, NC, USA

13. Joshi BK, D Touchell, TG Ranney and DR Panthee. 2010. Tomato anther culture for double haploid production. Department of Horticultural Science, NCSU, Raleigh, USA

14. Joshi BK, FJ Louws, M Rahman and DR Panthee. 2010. Isolation and culture of Septoria lycopersici from septoria leaf spot affected tomato leaves. Department of Hort. Science, NCSU, Raleigh, USA

15. Joshi BK, K Okuno, R Ohsawa and T Hara. 2009. SSR markers for testing F1 hybrid in common buckwheat. Biotechnology Unit-NARC, Khumaltar.

16. Joshi BK. 2009. Buckwheat genetic resources in Nepal. Biotechnology Unit-NARC, Khumaltar.

17. Bimb HP, BK Joshi, D Kansakar and E Ghimire. 2009. Genetic relationship among Nepalese rice landraces and cultivars based on RAPD markers. Biotechnology Unit-NARC, Khumaltar.

18. Joshi BK, HP Bimb and K Okuno. 2008. Hot water aided crossing in Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.). Biotechnology Unit-NARC, Khumaltar.

19. Bajracharya J, PR Tiwari, DM Shakya, BK Baniya, T Brown, MP Upadhyay, BR Sthapit, D Jarvis and BK Joshi. 2002. Isozyme and farmer management of barley landraces in Jumla. ABD, NARC.

20. Bimb HP and BK Joshi. 2009. Profile of Biotechnology Unit. Biotechnology Unit-NARC, Khumaltar.