

Currently, I am organizing the UNT Algebra Seminar

During my time as a postdoc at UC Berkeley, I organized two seminars

During my time as a postdoc at CRM, I organized two learning seminars:

During my time at Emory, I organized a number of learning seminars :


For past few summers (2016, 2018, and 2019), I have been a helper for Emory Math Circle's Week of Mathematical Exploration (organized by Lea Beneish). 

In summer of 2017,  I was a project leader at the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at Emory University.  I advised Sameera Vemulapalli and Danielle Wang, and their results can be found here (here is the published version).

In 2016, I was a part time lecturer for the Emory Math Circle, which is a weekly math circle for middle school and high school students at Emory. Here are lecture I gave for some of the Math Circles: Parametrization, Graph theory, Combinatorics, Tropical geometry (I/II), Tropical geometry (II/II)