CRM Seminar on moduli of p-divisible groups

Welcome! This site is the homepage of the Moduli of p-divisible groups -- mini working seminar at CRM in Winter 2021.

The moduli of p-divisible groups -- mini working seminar will be held on Fridays from 2:00 pm -- 4:00 pm in Room 5340.

The goal of the learning seminar is to understand the classification of p-divisible groups over O_{Cp} proved by Scholze--Weinstein in the below paper [SZ].

Here is a list of references:

  • [SZ] Scholze---Weinstein, Moduli of p-divisible groups

  • [T] Tate, p-divisible groups

  • [M] Morrow, Notes from PASTA seminar

  • TBD

Here is the schedule:
