
Mount files from host OS into guest OS (shared folder)


    VirtualBox (3.2.4) 

    Host OS: Mac OS X (10.6)

    Guest OS: Ubuntu (10.04) [Debian]

Click on "Devices" menu under VirtualBox 

Click on "Shared Folders ..."

Click on <<Add Share>> icon

Provide "Folder Path" -- that is, the folder from the host OS to be shared with the guest OS

Give "Folder Name" -- that is, the name by which the shared folder should be exported to the guest

Mark the "Read-only", "Make permanent" flags according to your needs

Make sure your guest OS is incorporated (compiled) with the VBoxGuestAdditions provided by VBox

log into guest, find out your UID value (using id command in terminal)

sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000 share /mnt/guest-mount-point-for-share

Autostart guest with host


    VirtualBox (4.1.4)

    Host OS: Mac OS X (10.6)

If you want your virtual machine to start/stop automatically along with your host OS, here are the steps.

Virtualbox cloning - network issue (ERROR: no such device)

Environment: (October 2011)

    VirtualBox (4.1.4)

    Host OS: Mac OS X (10.6)

    Guest OS: Debian 6.0

The cloned vm may not have network. Because the VBoxManage clonevm process changes the MAC address of new vm. However, it does not change /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file in which the MAC address of source vm is hardcoded. So, in order to get the cloned vm have network access; comment out the rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and reboot the cloned vm. The rules will be created again at boot with new MAC address.

Remote guest installation

Environment: (April 2013)

    VirtualBox (4.2.10)

    Host OS: Debian 7 (stable/wheezy)

    Guest OS: Debian 7 (stable/wheezy)