Chapter 6-8
Chapter 6: The Cattle
25 We have placed upon their (disbelievers) hearts veils, lest they should understand, and in their ears a deafness.
39 Those who deny Our revelations are deaf and dumb in darkness. Whom Allah will sendeth astray
49 But as for those who deny Our revelations, torment will afflict them
70 For them is drink of boiling water and a painful doom, because they disbelieved.
93 when the wrong-doers (disbelievers) reach the pangs of death and the angels stretch their hands out (saying): Deliver up your souls. This day ye are awarded doom of degradation for that ye spake concerning Allah.
125 Whomsoever it is His Will to send astray, He maketh his bosom close and narrow. Thus Allah layeth ignominy upon those who believe not.
128 He will say: Fire is your home. Abide therein for ever, save him whom Allah willeth to deliver.
Chapter 7: The Heights
4 How many a township have We destroyed! As a raid by night, or while they slept at noon, Our terror came unto them.
5 No plea had they, when Our terror came unto them.
9 Those are they who lose their souls because they disbelieved Our revelations.
27 We have made the devils protecting friends for those who believe not.
30 They choose the devils for protecting supporters instead of Allah and deem that they are rightly guided.
32 On the Day of Resurrection, will be only for those who believed during the life of the world.
36 But they who deny Our revelations and scorn them - each are rightful owners of the Fire; they will abide therein.
38 Enter into the Fire among nations humankind who passed away before you. Every time a nation entereth, it curseth its sister (nation) till, when they have all been made to follow one another. Our Lord! These led us astray, so give them double torment of the Fire. He saith: For each one there is double torment.
40 They who deny Our revelations and scorn them, for them the gates of heaven will not be opened
41 Theirs will be a bed of hell
50 And the dwellers of the Fire cry out unto the dwellers of the Garden: Pour on us some water or anything that Allah hath provided you. They say: Lo! Allah hath forbidden both to disbelievers
101 Thus doth Allah print upon the hearts of disbelievers (that they hear not).
176-177 His likeness is as that of a dog: if you attack him or leave him he pants with his tongue out. Such is the likeness of the people who deny Our revelations. Evil as an example are the folk who denied our revelations
178 Whom Allah sendeth astray - they indeed are losers.
179 Many are the Jinns and men we have made for Hell: They have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle,- nay more misguided: for they are heedless of warning.
186 Those whom Allah send astray, there is no guide for them. He leaves them to wander blindly on in their transgressions.
Chapter 8: The Spoils of War
1 The spoils of war belong to Allah and the messenger, so keep your duty to Allah, and adjust the matter of your difference, and obey Allah and His messenger.
12 I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.
13 That is because they opposed Allah and His messenger. Whoso opposeth Allah and His messenger, (for him) lo! Allah is severe in punishment.
14 That (is the award), so taste it, and (know) that for disbelievers is the torment of the Fire.
15 O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them.
16 Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless manoeuvring for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end.
30 Those who disbelieve plot against thee, but Allah also deceive; and Allah is the best of deceivers.
35 And their (Pagan) worship at the (holy) House is naught but whistling and hand- clapping. Therefore taste of the doom because ye disbelieve.
36 Those who disbelieve will be conquered. And they will be gathered unto hell.
39 And fight them until oppression is no more, and religion is all for Allah.
50 If thou couldst see how the angels receive those who disbelieve, smiting faces and their backs and (saying): Taste the punishment of burning!
55 Lo! the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the ungrateful who will not believe.
59 And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah's Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape.
60 Make ready for them all thou canst of armed force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them whom ye know not. Allah knoweth them.
61 And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in Allah. {Apologists tend to use this verse to negate the previous. Claiming that if peace is sought then fighting should not take place. But what is this peace? Throughout the Qur'an and Sunnah of the prophet, this means 'acceptance of Islam'. If a community was not willing to accept Islam, then Allah gave them permission to wage war. Even verse 39 above extols one to fight until religion is only for Allah.}
65 O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you twenty steadfast they shall overcome two hundred, and if there be of you a hundred (steadfast) they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are a folk without intelligence.
67 It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land. Ye desire the lure of this world and Allah desireth (for you) the Hereafter. {SM 19:4360 gives an account of the source of this verse. After the battle of Badr there were seventy captives. Muhammad asked what should become of them. Abu Bakr ruled they should be ransomed, however Ibn Khattab’s opinion was that they should be beheaded. Muhammad took Abu Bakr’s advice. The next day appearing to be crying Muhammad admitted his error in desiring wealth of this world and lamented the fact he had not slaughtered the captives. This verse is saying kill the captives; do not seek wealth from them until you have totally subdued the land.}
68 Had it not been for a previous ordainment from Allah, a severe penalty would have reached you for the (ransom) that ye took.
69 Enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good: but fear Allah.