J. Major Projects Since 2000

Co-researcher (2022 - present). C-Hub MOOC Project with University of Indonesia. ODA project funded by KOICA. 

Co-researcher (2021 - 2024). Prospects for the Future of Learning:  Artificial Intelligence Applications in  Higher Education. Funded by Volkswagen Foundation and University of Oldenburg, Germany.

Project leader (2019.4 – 2024.3, 5 yr JSPS funded research). From open education to open thinking: The role of OER and MOOCs in promoting university students' open thinking ability. Funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). 

Project leader (2016.4 – 2019.3). A comparative case study: Pedagogical, practical, and policy impacts of OERs on higher education. Funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Project leader (2016. 7 – 2018. 6). Design and implementation of a new faculty development program for liberal arts education as OER (see: (https://unitedboard.org/icu-website-prepares-faculty-liberal-arts-teaching-learning/).  Funded by United Board. 

Project leader (2014. 4 – 2017.3). New framework for Japanese private higher education: Attaining sustainable growth for international competitiveness of small-sized universities. Funded by Japanese Academic Research Promotion Fund. 

Project leader (2013. 4 - 2016. 3; 3 yr JSPS funded research). Quality and pedagogical guidelines for Open Educational Resource (OER) use in higher education: Matching with culture and teaching contexts. 

Co-researcher (2013. 4 - 2013. 12). Quality assurance for e-ASEM OER in open and distance learning. (KNOU fund)

Project leader (2010.1 – 2012.06). Quality Assurance (QA) models, standards and key performance indicators for ICT-supported distance education in Asia (Funded by IDRC)

Principal researcher (2010.4 – 2013. 3; 3 yr JSPS funded research). Instructional design to reduce stress in an online collaborative learning environment

Principal researcher (2010.4 – 2011. 3). YouTube creation and use among ICU faculty and students: Implications for media literacy education (ICU Research Fund)

Principal researcher (2010.4 – 2011. 3). Student and Educator Use of YouTube: Understanding New Broadcast Culture in Colleges (A cross-cultural comparison study - Hoso-Bunka foundation)

Main researcher (2010. 3 – 2011. 2). Academic and student use of YouTube: Implications for media literacy education (Funded by Hoso Bunka Foundation)

Co-researcher (2008. 4 – 2010. 3). Wiki for cultural understanding in Japanese language class (Funded by Japan Ministry of Education)

Co-researcher (2008.4. – 2009.3 ). Evaluation of Japanese e-learning sites (Funded by ICU).

Main researcher (2007. 3. – 2008. 2) A Comparative Study on Internet Integration Strategies of Educational TV (E-TV) Stations in Japan, Korea, and UK (Hoso Bunka Foundation)

Researcher (Research project - 3rd year) Media literacy, Funded by Japan Ministry of Education (5 year - 2003-2008 – Japanese Ministry of Education, CEO project)

Main researcher (2004.4. – 2005.3) with Yoko Suzuki:  “Development and Evaluation of Japanese E-Learning Programs for Academic Professionals: Adopting a Constructivistic Approach” (ICU funded project) - http://subsite.icu.ac.jp/org/jcai/ 

Main researcher (2004.4. – 2005.3). “E-moderating strategies and their effects on interaction” (Matsushida AV Education foundation-funded project)

Researcher (a 5 yr. Research project) International Collaboration and Networking in Teacher Training via Information and Communications Technologies. Funded by Japanese Ministry of Education. (2003 – 2008; Center of Excellence (COE) Project)

Project director, (Development & Implementation project) E-Business Cyber-academy for Women. Funded by Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. (2002.8 – 2003. 7)

Project director (Development & Implementation project). Online courses for e-learning professionals. Funded by Multimedia Education Institute, Ewha Woman’s University & Credu.  (2000 – 2001)

Project director, (Policy development project) Development of Accreditation Criteria for Virtual Graduate Programs. Funded by Ministry of Education and HRD. (2002. 6 – 2002.11)

Researcher, (Research project) A Comparative Study on the Cost-Effectiveness of Training Approaches to ICT Teacher Training. Funded by Korea Research Foundation. (2001.10 – 2002.9).

Project director (Development project). Development of International Cyber-university. Funded by Ministry of Information and Communication. (2000.9. 2001.8).

Researcher, (Research project) Pedagogical features of Web-based instruction. Funded by Korea Research Foundation. Supported by American Center for the Study of Distance Education, PSU. USA (1999. 8 – 2000. 8)

Anchorwoman for a broadcast discussion (1998. 12. – 1999. 4 recorded): A 20 series TV program on OUN satellite channel.