
Hello you have reached the, IO Part Base Blog link page.

Here we cover topics ranging from Business to Computer/Information Technology.

(To read the whole article, click on a topic).

Windows Activation Error “0xc0000022”- Resolved - I tried this after 24 hours of troubleshooting a clients’ computer. (This was an all nighter of troubleshooting and watching BUILD 2016)

Windows 7 (Check Disk Error: 766f6c756d652e63 3f1 - I had the pleasure of troubleshooting and correcting the following error yesterday on a Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade. After reading tons of articles and How-To’s from across the web regarding error: 766f6c756d652e63 3f1. Two of the article how to’s stuck out.

My job is to make sure no one is Spying on you - Computer Users beware of Imminent Software/Spyware.

Being a Business Owner. Wow! - I’m my only employee. Below are a few of my duties. Does this sound like you?

Android Apps: Malwarebytes and Phone Explorer - My two Android apps that I think are must haves.

Heartbleed. Your Passwords. How should you change them (passwords)? - I have had the pleasure of receiving many emails to change my passwords. How should I change them?

On April 8, 2014, the Microsoft Corporation will end its support of Windows XP after 12 years. - With just over a week left to upgrade to Windows 7 or 8.1 or to change your Operating System completely. What are your plans?