Recycling Services

What does Reduce, Reuse, and Recycling mean to IO Part Base?

As company, IO Part Base, offers its customers the option to purchase refurbished or used computer components/parts. We believe it is ethical to remove malfunctioning and non-working, as well as End-Of-Life or about to be listed as End-Of-Life product from the supply chain when we come across such items.

It is in our DNA to test and verify that the items we stock are of good and sound quality. If not, we must dispose of these items.

As a company that is a consumer of goods, that create waste. We believe it is our responsibility to ensure that our waste or refuse does not create a burden on you. We would like to help you recycle certain items listed as E-waste (See below for acceptable items).

The service that we offer is not a buy back program. In a lot of cases we have to foot the cost of E-waste disposal. We are simply seeking to help our community.

We have found that working and partnering with local municipalities, the residence and vendors are the keys that make recycling and reuse effective.

Accepted Electronics:

Desktop PC/Laptops


LCD Monitors

(any size)

Any Circuit Board

(Color: Brown or Green)

Items not accepted

CRT Monitors



(Dishwashers, Microwaves, Washer/Dryer, Refrigerators)



(Vehicle batteries, Alkaline batteries, Lithium Batteries)



Cellular Phones

Light Bulbs

(Incandescent, Halogen, Linear fluorescent, Compact fluorescents, High intensity discharge, or HID, Stage, Miniature indicator, Automotive)

Also At:

IO Part Base Computer Repair Services

305 7th Street NW

Puyallup, WA. 98371
