Does God Control the Weather?

The Bible Claims Yahweh Personally Controls the Weather


The writers of the Bible claimed that their god Yahweh personally controlled all aspects of the weather: rain, wind, clouds, hail, snow, ice, cold, storms, sunshine, drought, thunder, lightning (even precisely where it strikes, Job 36.32), earthquakes, and everything down to the growth of grass.  They considered thunder to be the "voice" of Yahweh, coming from his "mouth" (Job 37.2-5; Ps 18.13-14; Ps 29.3-10).  Lightning belonged to Yahweh; it was "his" (Job 37.3; Ps 97.4).  Yahweh had storehouses up in the sky/heavens, where he kept water, winds, snow, and hail until he wanted to send them (Job 38.22; Ps 135.7; Deut 28.12; Jer 10.13; 51.16).  Yahweh personally created rainbows to remind himself not to drown all humans and other animals anymore (Gen 9.14-16).  Biblical authors also believed that bad weather occurred because of sin, but that if a good man would pray, Yahweh would listen from the sky/heaven and send good weather (Deut 11.10-15; 1 Kings 18.41-44; James 5.17-18; 1 Sam 12.17-18; 1 Kings 8.35-36; 2 Chron 6.26-27). 

Because some individuals do notice that natural disasters cause terrible suffering for millions and millions of people, regardless of religion or lack of religion, some modern believers will occasionally attribute natural disasters to the Satan character, in an attempt to shift blame from their god concept.  However, the writers of the Bible did not believe such.  Even in the book of Job, although the accuser ("the satan," one of "the sons of Elohim/God" who has free access to the heavenly court, 1.6) asks to bring harm upon Job as a test, it is ultimately Elohim who controls the weather, for good or ill.

Below I have provide a large number of specific biblical references to God controlling all aspects of the weather.  All quotations are from the NIV translation of the Bible, with an occasional note I have added in parentheses or brackets.[1] 



 Elohim (translated "God") personally created rainbows to remind himself not to drown all the humans and other animals anymore.


Yahweh had storehouses up in the sky/heavens, where he kept water, winds, snow, and hail until he wanted to send them (Job 38.22; Ps 135.7; Deut 28.12; Jer 10.13; 51.16). 


 Good weather comes when people do what Yahweh likes.  Bad weather occurs because of sin.  But if a good man prays, Yahweh listens from the sky/heaven and sends good weather.


With the exception of relatively few well-educated individuals usually of the upper classes, other Mediterranean cultures likewise believed that their gods controlled all aspects of the weather personally.

In modern times, the more education a person has, the less likely that person is to believe that all aspects of the weather are personally controlled.  Modern science sees weather as governed by the same impersonal, natural "laws" and forces that are the basis of physics and chemistry.

[1] A reminder about translations:

[2] Some ancients believed that mountains held up the sky dome – i.e. they were "the pillars of the heavens."  (See also 1 Sam 2.8; Ps 18.7; Haggai 2.21; Hebrews 12.26)