C1 - Notes, Lessons and Video Links

C1.01 - Intro terms and Models

C1.02 Principles and key terms

C1.11 Newton's Laws

C1.12 Motion

C1.13 Levers

C1.2131 - Mobility WOD - Torsion — Creating Torsion and the Bracing Sequence. 5 minutes

C1.21 Stability and Center of Mass

C1.2 - Seven Principles of Biomechanics

C1.3 Analysing Human Motion

C1.42 - Applied Biomechanics

C1.42 Improving Human Motion — This note comes before the other C 1.42 Note

Mobility Principles - Kelly Starrett — Watch the first 35 minutes to learn about the 4 Key mobility/Stability principles

Mobility Principles Note — Print this off BEFORE watching the video and complete while watching