Cracking the Coding Interview (6th edition)


Behavioral Questions

    • Interview preparation greed (page: 32) (TODO: make this grid)
    • Weakness
      • something you overcome or working with it (TODO: prepare questions)
    • Your questions:
      • ration testers to engineers, their interaction
      • haw project planning happen on the team
      • about reason of using some technologist in project
      • "i studying some area... haw it using in your project?"
    • Know YOUR Technical Projects: you know all aspects (TODO: mark it in grid)
    • Yours responding:
      • be specific, not arrogant
      • Limit details
      • Focus yourself(not team)
      • Give structured answers: Situation - Actions(most important part) - Result (page 35, TODO: prepare most interesting answers about filds of grid)
    • Actions should has your main attributes: empathy, humility, compassion, helpfulness
    • So, tell me about yourself... (TODO: make short description)
    • Structure:
      • Current role[Headline Only]
      • College- your background
      • Post College & Onwards
      • Current role[Details]
      • Outside of Work - about professional activities
      • Wrap Up - end about your current reason of interview
    • Hobbies
      • Something really extraordinary
      • Something to show your passion for technology
      • Something to show your ability to learn
      • Think about what your hobby demonstrates
    • Sprinkle in shows for success
      • All above steps should show (maybe not directly) about your success
      • Example: Your previous manager call you to get you on new work place near of him"
  • Big O.
    • Example with send big file by internet of by flight(pages: 38-39) (TODO - read mireabout BIG O)
    • Types:
      • Time complexity
      • Space complexity
    • Skip constants: O(2n) = O(n)