7 Tips To Help You Get into Magento Developer Company

Post date: March 17, 2023 11:44:45 AM

Author Name: justin royals

Address:- B-707 MONDEAL SQUARE Sarkhej

Gandhinagar Hwy, Prahlad Nagar,

Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015

Mobile No:- +91 8980018741

Did you know that February 2013 has been officially declared as "Hire Dedicated Magento Developer" month by the hiremagentodeveloper.com team? The reason is simple, they have seen a steady increase in demand for top Magento developers and it looks like this trend will continue through 2014. I personally didn't believe this at first, but after going to several websites with job postings, I realize how true they are.

Since my company is also looking to hire dedicated magento developer, this topic is very dear to me - let's hire more awesome magento devs! This article talks about 7 tips that will help you hire awesome magento devs from all over the world!

Image source:- istockphoto

Tip 1: Be open minded about where you hire from

When I hire a magento developer, I first want to hire an individual that is a great all around programmer and cares about quality. But secondly, I hire from a specific country because it takes more time to hire someone outside of the United States due to immigration issues - this means higher salary requirements too. In many cases, hiring developers from countries like Poland or India works very well since they are top notch, but cheaper than having them work in the USA for example.

Tip 2: Check out hiremagentodeveloper.com for listings of available Magento developers worldwide

This website lists hundreds of Magento developers all over the world that are looking for work! I hire from here all the time and they have a very nice vetting system - you can hire anyone listed here with confidence.

Tip 3: Make sure your magento developer has experience developing for large websites

This one is huge... Many people hire cheap magento devs to save money, but the headache that follows this decision is not worth it in my opinion. You want to hire someone who has developed for Fortune 500 companies or others with large traffic volume. They will know how to handle slow servers, take load tests before going live and much more. It's less risky in my book to hire for quality rather than cheapness alone :)

Tip 4: When hiring your Magento developer, hire 'the right person' rather than just hire 'anyone'

This is another reason why we work so well: you can hire someone who has experience with your specific CMS or programming language and not worry about them learning on the job. If hiring from other sites, make sure to ask questions about their knowledge of Magento and it's advanced features!

Tip 5: Ask for a portfolio before hiring a Magento developer

This is actually one of the mistakes I made when I first started out - I hired magento developers that didn't have anything to show me what they could do. You hire people who have done things similar to what you want them to do - not the same, but similar. If they don't have any work in their portfolio, hire someone else because it's hard to tell how good of a developer they are without something to go on.

Tip 6: Make sure your Magento developers can give you references

Most developers can come up with 10 - 20 names that are happy clients when asked. Ask them for at least 5 - 6 solid references that include contact information. You can then reach out and ask these clients about their experience working with this developer! I got all my jobs using this method by checking out everyone's references before hiring anyone :)

Tip 7: Have an open dialogue with your magento developer

This might sound odd, but I hire developers that will reach out to me on a daily basis and ask questions. This is how you improve as a developer and I even hire several people every month just because they reached out to me! My current team of developers are all solid enough to hire dedicated Magento developers, but I got there by reaching out to me all the time :)

Video source:- Max Pronko


I hope these tips help you hire someone if you don't have anyone yet or hire better if you do already have them! Having good relationships with your magento developer(s) opens up lots of doors in the future too - who knows, maybe they'll want to join your company one day :) Good luck!

For more info:- Alliance international