تعليمات للمدرسين

قيد الترجمة غير مكتمل

Instructor Information


To help instructors get the most of the the NAAP modules, each module will contain a page with the kind of resources described below. NAAP materials are suggestions only. They may be altered to suit the needs of the instructor.


The description briefly indicates the nature of the module. It also contains a link to specific pedagogical objectives.


Classroom demonstration guide: A resource walking an instructor through one possible demonstration scenario for the classroom. The guide assumes that the classroom will have a projector showing the monitor of a computer with access to NAAP.

Student Guide: The document is on the main module page but is repeated here in MS Word .doc format. This may be customized by the instructor.

Assessment: The hard copy versions of the assessment are provided in MS Word .doc format. This may be customized by the instructor.

Technical Manual: Some modules have a brief document outlining the use of module simulators/animations. This occurs where there are features that might behave in non-intuitive ways which are documented in the simulators.

Course Integration

This segment will suggest where the NAAP module fits into common astronomy course curricula and what prerequisite content students should have familiarity with. It will also identify closely related NAAP modules.

The NAAP modules can be used in conjunction with a lab class scenario. Where the module would probably extend over multiple lab sessions, this will be indicated.

If a NAAP module is more advanced in content/difficulty, this will also be noted.

Simplifications and Pitfalls

A list relevant simplifications that go into the programing of the simulators is provided. In a few instances simplifications can potentially introduce misconceptions to students. Instructor's should be aware of these to avoid such pitfalls.