Video and Image Processing


Dr. Maricor Soriano

Dr. Ritz Ann Aguilar

Graduate Students

Mark Jeremy Narag

Rene Principe

Undergraduate Students

Jemima Bian

Julliana Maxine Ching

Julia Esteibar

Chae Ann Malipol

Bret Jarod Sean Ordoño

Reignel Bernice Pangilinan

John Aldrin Urbi

Jireh Vera Cruz


The group works on improving and developing new methods of acquisition and manipulation of images and other signals from cameras and microscopes to extract and enhance information. We develop instrumentation and algorithms to analyse signals, images and video from multidisciplinary domains such as marine science, arts and heritage, medicine, and sports.

The Compressed Sensing and Imaging Team headed by Dr. Ritz Ann Aguilar develops algorithms for signal compression to save data storage as well as lessen data acquisition and processing time. The group builds their own instrumentation for imaging applications within and beyond the visible spectrum using single-pixel detectors, spatial light modulators, and analog-to-digital converters. The combined instrumentation and developed methods are to be used for computational ghost imaging, a.k.a. single-pixel imaging, an alternative for conventional digital imaging.

Recent Publications

  • RA Aguilar, NP Hermosa, and MN Soriano. Low-cost Fourier ghost imaging using a light-dependent resistor. AJP 87(12) (December 2019)

  • Litimco, C. E. O., Villanueva, M. G. A., Yecla, N. G., Soriano, M. N.,& Naval, P. C. (2013). Coral identification information system. Paper presented at the 2013 IEEE International Underwater Technology Symposium, UT 2013.

  • [CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS] Francis James Corpuz, Prospero Naval, Eusebio Capili, Jaylord Jauod, Roel John Judilla, and Maricor Soriano, Rapid shallow coastal coral reef mapping using the teardrop system, Oceans, 2012, 1-6 (14-19 Oct. 2012). [DOI:10.1109/OCEANS.2012.6405113].

  • [CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS] Roel John Judilla, Jaylord Jauod, Eusebio Capili Jr., and Maricor Soriano, Teardrop - a rapid reef mosaicing tool for coastal communities, Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia (9-13 July 2012).

  • [CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS] Francis James Corpuz, Prospero Naval, Eusebio Capili, Jaylord Jauod, Roel John Judilla, and Maricor Soriano, Coral reef mosaicking using Teardrop and Fast Image Labeling, OCEANS, 2012 - Yeosu, 1-6 (21-24 May 2012). [DOI:10.1109/OCEANS-Yeosu.2012.6263575].

  • Cherry May T. Palomero and Maricor N. Soriano, Digital cleaning and “dirt” layer visualization of an oil painting, Optics Express 19(21), 21011-21017 (2011).

Extension Work and Linkages

  • In Febuary 2013 the Video and Image Processing Group co-organized START 2013 Science and Technology for Art at the National Museum.

  • In April 2013 and October 2013 the ARRAS Team under Dr. Soriano measured and recorded the grounding damage at the Tubbataha Reefs caused by USS Guardian and M/V Min Long Yu.

Projects Initiated or On-Going


Project Leader: Dr. Maricor Soriano

Collaborators: Dr. Wilfredo Licuanan (DLSU), Engr. Roel John Judilla (MAPUA), Dr. Prospero Naval (Dept. Computer Science, UPD), Dr. Cesar Villanoy (UP MSI), Dr. Laura David (UP MSI).

Funding: DOST-GIA ,(Total Budget: PhP 18,520,969, Budget for Year 3: PhP6,274,094)

Duration: June 2010-November 2013

Overview: The Automated Rapid Reef Assessment Program aims to create tools for quick and cost efficient coral reef assessment and visualization. Tools and protocol developed in the project have been deployed in more than 13 sites around the Philippines and were used to measure the grounding damage in Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the News



[2013 Rappler]

“An automated rapid reef assessment system invented by the team of Dr. Maricor Soriano of the University of Philippines (UP) was one of the technologies used to make permanent visual records for the damage done at the Tubbataha reef.”

[2013 GMANews]

[2013 ANC]

“A new team of experts is headed to Tubbataha to take new images of the reef following the removal of the Chinese fishing vessel.”

Dr. Soriano appeared as guest in the news.

More Information

Dr. Maricor Soriano

Video and Image Processing (VIP) group
