IPL welcomes two new members!

Post date: Nov 19, 2019 7:43:59 AM

The Instrumentation Physics Laboratory would like to congratulate its newest members, Karl Aleta and Bea Movido, for successfully completing the IPL application process last September. The two were formally introduced to the rest of the IPL community at the welcome party held on October 14. Karl joins the Complexity Science Group under Dr. Johnrob Bantang, while Bea joins Team One under Dr. Caesar Saloma.

IPL Team One under Dr. Saloma welcomes their new member, Bea Movido,

at the Welcome Party last October 14, 2019.

The Complexity Science Group (CSG) under Dr. Bantang welcomes their new member, Karl Aleta,

at the Welcome Party last October 14, 2019.

IPL Staff with Bea and Karl at the Welcome Party on October 14, 2019.

Congratulations, and good luck!