Meet and eat

We have a group of enthusiastic volunteers who cook for the ING Cookery Group. They organise meals, 6-7 times per year. This is an ideal opportunity to meet people. The first event of the new academic year is a High Tea on a Sunday afternoon in September.

The remaining events are either on Saturday or Sunday evening. We have an international theme per meal and drinks are supplied. A small contribution is requested (7€ per adult).

The meals are usually held in a community centre in the Malakkastraat (Lombok). If you would like to join the Cookery Group you can get in touch with Marry Kelly.

An announcement is sent out to all on our mailing list about three weeks before an event. Because space is limited we can only cater for about 40 people. It is advisable to register as early as possible. the meals are frequently overbooked and there is a waiting list.

If you have registered and cannot attend, we kindly request that you let us know immediately (so that somebody else can take your place).
