Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

The increasing availability and quality of wide bandgap semiconductor materials, such as group III nitrides, metal oxides, SiC, among others, opens the potential to develop devices with functionalities that go far beyond those of the ubiquitous, silicon-based electronics. Prime example, awarded with the Nobel Prize in physics in 2014, is the blue, GaN-based light emitting diode which is now successfully used for efficient lighting applications. Besides optical applications, the wide bandgap facilitates high power, high frequency and high temperature electronics. Furthermore, the wide panoply of low dimensional structures such as nanowires or 2D semiconductors allows new device designs, for example in sensor applications.
The Wide Bandgap Semiconductors group of INESC-MN was founded in 2018. Research is conducted in close collaboration with the Materials Processing and Characterization Group of IPFN and group members participate in the operation of the Ion Beam Laboratory of the Accelerator and Radiation Technologies Laboratory (LATR) at the Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear of IST.


·         Novel wide bandgap semiconductors
·         Devices based on nanomaterials
·         UV and radiation sensors
·         Nanomembrane Field Effect Transistors
·         Light emitting devices


·         Wide bandgap semiconductors
·         Ion beam modification of materials
·         Radiation effects in materials and devices
·         Advanced characterisation of materials
·         Optical and electrical sensors


·         Microfabrication and semiconductor processing
·         Ion implantation for doping and defect engineering
·         Study of radiation effects in materials and devices
·         Ion beam analysis
·         Optical, electrical, structural characteriation


·         Ion beam processing of Ga2O3 (IonProGO) 👉 DOI
·         Defect Engineered 2D Oxide Field Effect Transistors for efficient biosensing (DEOFET) 👉 DOI
·         FUll colour Nitride Nanowire light emitting diodes (FUNN-LED) 2021.09198.CBM (Bilateral project with CEA Grenoble) 

Katharina Lorenz