
Security Council

The Yemen war, ongoing since 2014, is a civil war between numerous factions including Houti rebels, causing widespread humanitarian devastation, including famine and displacement. It's been fueled by regional rivalries and has created one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. 

United Nations Conference and Trade and Development 

Facing the upcoming shortage of oil (and more broadly fossil fuels) requires the Middle East to reduce its oil dependency by diversifying its economy. This shift aims to create sustainable growth, reduce economic volatility, and foster long-term stability. 

United Nations Human Rights Committee

The Kurdish people, an ethnic group spread across Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and Iran, have long faced political marginalization, cultural repression, and human rights abuses. Efforts and measures are needed to permit their safety and, eventually their independence. 


The protection of cultural heritage in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is vital, as historic sites and artifacts hold deep significance for both sides. However, ongoing violence and territorial disputes have often led to the destruction and endangerment of these cultural treasures, complicating efforts for preservation and peace. 


Entre sanctions économiques, rivalité et conflits, l'Iran reste une des grandes sources de tensions au Moyen Orient et la question se pose sur leur avenir au sein des relations internationales