Caritative Work


Cœur de Forêt

"For a Model that protects trees and people"

created in 2005, Cœur de Forêt has been acting for fifteen years now in order to protect and enhance forests and local populations.

The organisation has four main goals:

  • To reforest so as to protect biodiversity and the forest ecosystem

  • To promote natural resources by transforming them locally

  • To structure the fair trade in order to help small scale productors

  • To raise awareness on the issue of forest protection

Coeur de Forêt offers an alternative development model to deforestation.

Because of the alarming observaion that natural resources in forests were over-exploited, providing barely enough profit to the local populations. Coeur de Forêt supports the development of an economic model which protects the forest and the locals. Their development approach aims at a global integration of development issues within projects and puts Man and Biodiversity at the heart of the exchange and concerns.

They currently have projects in Bolivia, Madagascar, Cameroon, Indonesia and France.

Watch this video to better uderstand how Coeur de Forêt works.

Coeur de Forêt's website


What is Autisme en Île-de-France?

This organization is the result of a fusion between Autism en Yvelines, created in 2011, and Autisme 75- Ile-de-France, created in 1989. It aims to improve the living conditions of people with autism and raise awareness on the disorder. It aims to help both families and individuals who are affected by it to gain in autonomy, develop the professional competences of individuals with autism to ensure their integration in the workplace. Since the creation of the organization, fundraising events have been held for their projets of inclusive housing and the Auti'cafet. Autisme en Île-de-France is also greatly invested with political and administrative bodies linked to handicap, ensuring the fluidity and sustainability of their work.

During this year's INDMUN, we will be holding a donation box in the different committees, so that we can help raise funds for their cause. We count on you to help us help them!



What is Imagine For Margo?

On the 7th June 2010, after 16 months of harsh battle, Margaux Blanc, our classmate, died of a brain tumor. However, she did not spend this year and a half in her bed, waiting for the death to come. Instead, she chose to fight not only her cancer, but also she chose to also fight for the lives of all the other children who suffer from cancer by raising money for cancer research. Between August 2009 and November 2011, she carried out the biggest private online fund-raising event in France, raising 103 335 €, for the pediatric oncology research team at the l’Institut Gustave Roussy in Villejuif.

Since, the organisation "Imagine For Margo" has continued Margo's mission, organizing sport events such as "Running for Margo", "Sailing for Margo", etc. The money raised from such events go towards pediatric cancer research. While cancer research is common, funding remains low for pediatric forms of cancer.

Fundraising for Imagine For Margo

Margaux was our classmate and her struggle against cancer touched us all. This is why we are committed to giving all profits raised from selling refreshments at INDMUN to Imagine for Margo. Last year, we collected a total of €500, and we hope to raise even more in 2019 !

Imagine for Margo is currently funding the European research programme named VINILO, which, by the end of the year, will care for over 150 children suffering from low grade gliomes, a common brain tumor found in children.

Learn more about this organization by clicking here.

INDMUN et Imagine For Margo

INDMUN a choisit de reverser les profits réalisés grâce la vente des collations à l'association Imagine For Margo. L'année dernière, 500 euros ont étés récoltés, nous espérons augmenter cette somme en 2019 ! Imagine For Margo a quatre objectifs :

  • Collecter des fonds pour financer des programmes de recherche européens spécifiques destinés à trouver des traitements innovants et plus efficaces contre les cancers des enfants et adolescents.

  • Mobiliser les pouvoirs publics et modifier la règlementation européenne afin d’accélérer la recherche pédiatrique.

  • Travailler ensemble, avec les chercheurs, laboratoires pharmaceutiques, législateurs et associations de parents pour faire avancer la recherche sur les cancers pédiatriques et le suivi à long terme des enfants et adolescents.

  • Aider les familles et enfants hospitalisés atteints d’un cancer et améliorer leur bien-être lors de la maladie.

Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici.