
What is MUN ?

MUN stands for Model United Nations. It consists in an authentic simulation of the United Nations' General Assembly as well as its different committees. It allows students to be catapulted into the world of diplomacy and negociation. Indeed, at MUN, students step into the shoes of UN ambassadors in order to debate current issues. The students participating in such debates, better known as delegates, prepare speeches, clauses and amendments revealing their country or organisation's point of view on the question being discussed. In turn, this allows them to discuss plot strategies and negotiations with supporters and adversaries as a part of debates seeking to resolve conflicts. They do so whilst navigating the UN's complex “rules of procedure” – all in the interest of mobilizing “international cooperation” in order to resolve problems affecting almost every country on Earth.

Before playing out their delegate role in an MUN conference, students do research on the specific issues to be debated in the committees in which they will be participating. The problems are more commonly drawn from today’s headlines, thus allowing students to become better acquainted with how the international community acts with regard to its concerns about peace and security, human rights, the environment, food and hunger, economic development, health, globalization and more. MUN delegates also look closely at the needs, aspirations and foreign policies of the country or organisation they will be representing throughout the conference. The insights gained from exploring the history, geography, culture, economics and society of their assigned country or organisation contribute to the authenticity of the simulation and ensure both a lively and memorable experience.

The benefits of this learning experience are tremendous. Students are encouraged to develop life-long skills such as researching and analyzing, writing, public speaking, problem solving, consensus building, conflict resolution, cooperation, compromise and even leadership.



On Saturday 30th of November, IND delegates will atten the MUN at the International School of Ermitage in Maison Laffitte. A conference which will see many intense debates as the issue of the Kashmir region