Historical Share Prices of Pakistan Stock Exchange in Excel

Pakistan Financial Database - Share Prices

The following data are the results of efforts spreading over many years. The sole purpose of providing all the hard-to-find/compile-data is to help researchers in Pakistan. Me and my colleagues had gone through rounds of difficult times to approach many institutions while collecting data for our PhD theses. We want to facilitate others in avoiding such time-consuming activities. We hope that these efforts will facilitate financial researchers in Pakistan at large. In return, We expect prayers. Also, We expect others to cooperate by sending in other helpful data so that the same can be made available on this page.

Share Prices in Excel Format

The following files contain share prices data of firms listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) from 1999 to Feb 2015. In some case, the data is from 2004 and onward. This is due to listing of the firms in this period. The share prices data is arranged symbol wise [Symbol list and firm names can be found here].