Social Network

1° What is social network/social media?

Is a form you can comunicated with others person with differents apps and programs that you can use in the computer or cellphone

and you can publish about your life or different activities that you like or you do or you can see about what people do

2° Identify 5 advantages of social network

    1. We can comunicated with our familly in a better form

    1. We can comunicated with other people that live in another country

    1. You can help to catch and convict criminals

    1. buy and sell things that you don´t need

    1. to publicity your deal

3° Idenify 5 disadvantages of social network

    1. it can be vicious and vains

    1. We don´t talk personal

    1. we don´t pay attention to real live

    1. you can get kidnaped if you are a kid

    1. Childre don´t like to play outsite they like to play in cellphone