Partial Exam

|Partial Exam

Why should we take care of our planet?

Because the earth is the only place that human can live and must of the espices live here and if we don´t take care we should be on our destruction complexly and that prejudicades all our system and that significates the extinction of humans

Here I search 3 methods to take care the environment:

1°Use compact fluorescent light bulbs: the realy is that these bulbs are more expensive but it can reduced the light consume and save the planet:

2°Turn of your divices: when you don´t use your divices your con turn off that´s a good habit to take up wich will help you save a lot of money:

3°Recycle : when you recycle you can order al type of garbage like pet, organic and inorganic to save our planet and you can reuse all your bottle of pet: