
What is Paint?

A paint program is a software graphics that allows

the user to draw or paint bitmapped images on a computer

Why to use it ?

That is program that have different kids fo creative activities to do

What can we do with it?

  • Paint can be used to draw, colour and edit pictures, including imported pictures from a digital camera for example.

  • MS Paint is found in the Windows Start menu within the Accessories Folder.

  • It can save creations in standard formats such as .jpg and .bmp

  • Paint can enable ‘painting’ by dragging the mouse and using different types of artistic brushes or pens that can give for example a watercolour or oil effect.

Mentions 3 facts Didn´t you now about Paint:

1°That you can print the drawing or and image

2°That the drawing that you do you can set us to mail

3°That we can aploed fotos

Name the main taps on the ribbon:

Paste , cut , copy, crop, risize , rotate, , outline, fill, brushes, select

Define the following comands is the group IMAGE:

CROP:Funtion you can just einther press ctrl shift x you can just clik

you can do if you can set your dimentions

RISIZE:You can changes the size by other percentage

or by pixel

ROTATE: you can rotate the images

What are the commands you may use in group TOOLS?


color selector,

color pickee