Exam 1

Information and comunications tecnology ( ICT )

A)Have you even heard about ICT? What is it?

Yes is an umbrela that includes any comunications divices or aplications,encomprasing: radio, television, cellular phones, and computer and network hardeware and software

B)Mention the electronic divices that are related to the ICT:

cellphones, tablets, ipads, iphones, pc, laptop

C)Have you ever used ICT? Mention when

yes a laptop when y haves to search information or work in a homework or some projects

D)How is useful to share information throug tecnologic tools

becuse is to much faster to search information that in a book , and you can have all tipe of information

E)Where can you use them?

in all places like school, house, cafe, restaurants, ect

The following divices are part of the information and communications technoly ( Ict ):


TABLETS: is use for all things like search information, listen music, work, and some tablets are big an others no are much small

IPAD: is use for work, play videogames, they can´t have any caint of viruses

MOBILES: is portable, for call , for play, and for where in contac with friends and famili

LAPTOP: you can do all work, search information , play, chat, and is portable you can use in all places

PC: this is no portable you only cant use in you house and is with a cable but you can use in all.

ICT is defined as a set of theories , instruments and producer that help to build and transmit any type of information ( oral,written, visual and auditory)

They are useful to...

Create information:

Share information:

Save information:

Process information:

Receive information: