DP Film

The DP Film course will be a college level course that will be applicable to any student regardless of film/video experience. It is suggested that the student be able to perform simple computer tasks such as: Access and open a file, save a file, use a point and shoot or smartphone camera to take simple still shots. The student will be assessed on growth and commitment as opposed to camera skills or filmmaking proficiency.

Students will work in production groups of approximately 4 to 5 students to create myriad video productions including: commercials, music videos, PSAs, interviews, documentaries, educational videos, short films, etc. Students will learn and develop skills in: scriptwriting, storyboarding, directing, producing, editing, lighting, sound design, camera techniques, and budget and marketing. This is a course on project management with the use of film equipment.

Students will watch and analyze films from a wide range of time periods and cultures. Students will study the psychology of filmmaking and the effects of video on the emotional response of the audience as well as make connections to social, political, and cultural issues presented in the films. Some films may be rated R, but those films will be carefully chosen for importance and relevance, and families will be notified of the film titles before viewing.

Students will choose between HL (Higher Level) and SL (Standard Level). HL will require approximately 240 hours of work over 2 years and SL will require approximately 150 hours of work over 2 years.

Final Course Assessments:

Students will be assessed by the instructor and by the IB Assessors. Assessments will include:

Internal Assessment- A short film production with rationale written commentary (HL will have to create a trailer as well)

External Assessment-

(A) Independent Study: A written script of a documentary the student develops to compare films from different cultures

(B) Presentation: An audio recorded analysis of a 5 minute segment of a film chosen from a list prescribed by the IBO