Class Employment

The following positions are elected per quarter.

1. Office Runner: This person is responsible for delivering things when necessary around the campus. This person needs to know their way around fairly well, so if I ask them to take something to the nurse or Mrs. Rajani, or the library, or Mrs. Lavook, they know where to go.

2. Pass out/PickUp Person: This person is responsible for passing out papers and class work. He or she needs to be pretty speedy on their feet in order to make it around the room in about 45 seconds.

3. Materials Manager : This person is responsible for distributing and collecting class supplies such as art materials, headphones, etc. They are also an assistant to the pass-out person when lots of stuff needs to be passed out.

4. Floor Honcho: This person is in charge of monitoring the floor at the end of class to make sure that all rubbish is picked up and that desks are straight. in 4/8th period this person also manages chair stacking. (Note: it is NOT this person's job to pick up after people; rather to remind people to do their part so that we can be dismissed promptly.)

5. Attendance Checker: This person checks empty seats at the beginning of class and marks any people who are absent on the board.

6. Absent Stand-in: This person covers any of the above jobs in the event that the normal employee is absent.

7. Housekeeper: This person ensures that the couch, chair, beanbags, stools, and pillows are straightened up before we dismiss.

The following positions are chosen per school year.

9. Substitute Liaisons: These people are responsible for ensuring that business goes on as usual in my absence. They will greet the substitute teacher, introduce themselves, assist with anything the substitute may need and ensure that proper classroom protocol is observed. They make sure that the right papers get passed out and picked up and that the integrity of the routine and class expectations is maintained. These are responsible professional students whom I trust implicitly with my class running smoothly.