Compendio de La Vita

In preparation for my next book, Cagliostro and the Illuminati, I intend to translate from Italian into English the Italian version of the 1790 work by Barberi entitled Compendio de La Vita e delle Gesta di Giuseppe Balsamo denominato Il Conte Cagliostro (Roma: 1791). There was an unauthorized English version made, but it (a) was admittedly written by Cagliostro's friends and (b) deliberately did not translate anything that could implicate the Illuminati -- removing all 4 references to them. Thus, to prevent any misanalysis, a thorough fresh translation would be useful to scholars / investigators to know the key player who helped prepare the French Revolution more than any other -- in ways not fully comprehended even now.

One can read the Italian book at this link.