Illini Ike State Newsletter
All Chapters wishing to submit an article to the Illini Ike Newsletter can do so by contacting the Communications Committee via email at
Submission deadlines are: March 31, August 30, and November
We are the Izaak Walton League of America.
Who We Are
In 1922 The Izaak Walton League was founded in Chicago, Illinois by a group of sportsmen (Chicago Chapter No. 1) who wished to protect fishing opportunities for future generations. They named the league after seminal fishing enthusiast Izaak Walton (1593-1683), known as the "Father of Flyfishing" and author of The Compleat Angler.
Advertising executive Will Dilg became its first president and promoter. The first conservation organization with a mass membership, the League had over 100,000 supporters by 1924. An early result of their efforts was the establishment of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge in save outdoor America for future generations.
We are one of the earliest conservation organizations to set an aggressive course to defend wild America by changing public policy. Almost every major, successful conservation program that America has in place today can be traced directly to a League activity or initiative.
The environment is everyone's issue. We believe that America needs smart solutions that are good for the environment and the economy at the same time. Relying on our unique blend of community-based conservation and common-sense advocacy, the League has made significant progress to protect and restore our nation's waters, promote clean energy, and advance sustainable agriculture.
Throughout more than 230 communities, our chapters advance the mission of the Izaak Walton League by restoring watersheds, reducing air pollution, fighting litter, protecting wildlife habitat and open spaces, and instilling conservation ethics in outdoor recreationists. Our commitment to communities has allowed us to endure for almost a century. Our optimism, our spirit, and our vision for a better outdoor America guide our work.
More Information about the Founding of The League can be found in the IWLA publications Born With Fists Doubled: Defending Outdoor America, by William Voight Jr. and the Winter 2012 edition of Outdoor America article, The Roaring 20s: A Call to Action.
The Illinois Division has had a long line of dedicated volunteers who act as our president. a Full list of these individuals can be found here.
What We Do
As like-minded conservationists, anglers, hunters, and nature lovers of all walks of life, we work locally to promote our conservation mission.
Our chapter's primary interests are focused on local clean water issues, including watershed and wetlands protection. We advocate sustainable living and encourage outdoor users to protect our valuable natural resources while they continue to enjoy the great outdoors.
Join Us
For information about membership, contact Luann Noll:
Meeting Dates and Locations
The Illinois Division meets 3 times a year. Meetings are open to all Izaak Walton League members.
Spring Meeting: Saturday, April 26, 2025 at the Des Plaines Chapter clubhouse in Des Plaines, Illinois. They are hosting the event and this is our annual meeting.
Fall Meeting: Saturday, September 13, 2025 at the Goose Workshop in the Larimer education building in Atkinson, Illinois.
Winter Meeting: Saturday, December 6, 2025 at the Starved Rock Lodge in Utica, Illinois. Hosted by Chicago Chapter No 1.
Illinois Division
of the Izaak Walton League of America
Division Leadership
President: Garrit Struck
VP: Vacant
Treasurer: Luann Noll
Secretary: John Zon
Tree Certificate Committee: Crystal Terfler
State Awards Committee: Lloye Pond
Advocacy Committee: Dean Farr
Communications Committee: Vacant
National Directors:
Ron Moore
Luann Noll
To strive for the purity of water, the clarity of air, and the wise stewardship of the land and its resources; to know the beauty and understanding of nature, and the value of wildlife, woodlands and open space, to the preservation of this heritage and to man's sharing in it, l pledge myself as a member of the Izaak Walton League of America.