Awards Committee

Recognize Those Passionate About Conservation

Illinois  Division of the Izaak Walton League of America will receive nominations for the Illinois Division’s Annual Awards Program until March 1, 2022.

Nominations will be accepted for any chapter member, community resident, or organization deserving of recognition in their efforts to promote conservation.  Some areas to consider might include: Conservation, IL Division Newsletter Contributor, Public Service, Good Neighboring, Civics, Citizens Action and Youth in Conservation.

Please submit a short narrative of why and what activities your nominee (person or organization) did to deserve your chapter’s consideration for an award.  Each application will be given equal consideration.

Nominations are encouraged for every chapter, not only for recognition of your nominee but also to promote, through publicity, an interest in your chapter.

Please remember the DEADLINE for nominations is March 1, 2022

Send nominations to:

Please include IWLA Award Nomination in the subject line.

Lloye Pond, Committee Chair