
This is the landing page for my projects.

As a rule, I write mostly about 'wonky' topics and make a point of incorporating quantitative analysis into my writing. My writing tends to be persuasive: most pieces strive to make a defensible (and falsifiable!) point and try to convince you of it. My writing often features original analysis of existing data or coding of new data when publicly available resources fall short. Occasionally, I venture into looser forms of expressions and write pieces focused less on charts, graphs, and statistics and more on impression, relationships, and the nature of things. 

I hope you will find something you're interested in no matter your preferred flavor.

Please click here to proceed to published content that is organized by mode of publication.

Links to select social media can be found below.

Medium: Click Here  |  TwitterClick Here  |  GitHub: Click Here

Camille Pissarro's Flowering Plum Tree, Eragny. Obtained courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.