
My name is Igor. I am a data scientist and policy analyst working in the energy sector—and a quantitative social scientist by training.

Currently, I am on leave from UCLA while I work with the Enterprise Operational Risk Management team at Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) as a data scientist (contract) where my job is (mostly):

In my spare time, I provide research and analytical support to nonprofits and other organizations doing work in energy justice and affordability, and other organizations with missions focused on energy and climate.

My analytical experience specializes in managing big datasets, computing across a variety of programming languages (R, Python, SQL, etc.), and rigorous statistical analysis in complex settings—as well as delivering the results of these analyses, whether as written reports or presentations. This includes flagging and correcting existing product deficiencies in customer-facing web platforms, assessing and advising on policy opportunities for state agencies and research-based nonprofits, agility across business functions and analytical use cases, and maintaining a dedication to clear, well-documented, and efficient processes.

My recent research:

I've also co-authored with Joshua Ferrer a book chapter providing a descriptive overview of the nation's local election officials/county clerks.

My teaching mostly focuses on American politics (especially state/local institutions), and statistical methods for political science research, with a particular focus on equipping current college students with empirical skills and careful, research-driven critical thinking skills.

Please click here for an updated version of my resume/CV: link. Need to get in touch? igorgeyn at gmail dot com.

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Health Workforce Work | Teaching Experience and Notes