
The Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA), is about empowering, through methods and values, an authentic and sustainable transformation of individuals, communities and organizations. ICA International is a network of national not-for-profit member organizations that focuses on and supports the human factor in all segments of society.

ICA has been in Taiwan for 47 years. We create and facilitate paticipatory processes to enable individuals, organizations and communities to be more effective in their purpose and goals, always with attention to a more open, respectful and creative way of relating and operating. We draw out the wisdom of each individual and group through reflective exercises and participatory programs.

We are a research and action group which, in collaboration with our clients and partners, continually learns and integrates diverse knowledge and processes for desired change. ICA programs are highly participative in nature and may be facilitated in collaboration with specialized partner organizations. Our three major arenas of service are:

Organizational and Individual Transformation

Participatory Methods and Facilitation Skills

On-going Futures Research and Exploration For Social Change.

Our intent is to enable people to take increasing responsibility for their own lives and then for the larger society.

Areas in which we are currently working include:

1) Business and Government

Facilitation, Leadership Training and Consultation Services using a participative approach for organizational transformation. Clients include companies, government agencies, service organizations, NGO’s, and communities using diverse methods for organizational change and growth. In response to client requests, we have intensified executive leadership and mid-management coaching and mentoring training that takes place over an extended period of time. This includes facilitation methods training, leadership development, communication skills, participatory planning, interactive learning and personal growth.

2) Promoting Facilitation as a Professional Vocation through in-house and public participatory methods training and mentoring (See Courses and Activities)

Participatory group facilitation methods are provided both in-house and as public courses. This includes group facilitation skills training through ICA-developed Technology of Participation (ToP) courses, Open Space Technology, as well as creating courses to fit specific needs and situations. Skills training is supported by interactive group learning sessions and personal mentoring.

3) Open Space Technology (OST) facilitation, training and network support

(OST) is a group learning and planning process for any kind of meeting or conference, based on self-organization around participants’ passion and commitment to take responsibility for making positive change. ICA continues to provide training and support for the Asian Open Space community through Open Space Learning Workshops, event facilitation and monthly Learning Exchanges. OST meetings are conducted in-house with organizations as well as public events.(http://openspacetaiwan.blogspot.tw)

4) Integrative Communities of Practice and Action Research – Facilitation, Mentoring, Coaching and Healing

We offer on-going learning opportunities for professionals, volunteers, company managers, community people. These include study and experiential reflection on new concepts, methods and processes, and prototype programs in various fields, as well as spirit retreats, study groups, individual mentoring and coaching, regular dialogue gatherings, Dream Appreciation Workshops, Truth About Life Learning Exchanges, energy healing sessions, presentations on Social Artistry.

5) Community Organization Collaboration and Support Services

ICA welcomes working together in diverse partnerships and collaborations.

6) ICA Global Network Support

ICA Taiwan has taken a lead in ICAI leadership as well as online communication among the many international ICA groups.