Past Topics


regulation of consumer data (economic topic)

the conflict in Yemen (political topic)

plastic waste (science topic)

the longevity crisis (social topic)

Roundtable Experts Bios

2018 Keynote Speaker


The impact of automation on employment (economic topic)

Sovereignty and disputes in the South China Sea (political topic)

Medicinal marijuana (science topic)

Protection against police violence (social topic)


intellectual property rights? (economic topic)

free and fair elections? (political topic)

species extinction? (science topic)

climate refugees? (social topic)


juvenile offenders? (Social Topic)

free trade vs. fair trade? (Economic Topic)

biometric identification and privacy? (Science Topic)

refugee rights? (Political Topic)


The global burden of mental health – social

Security Council reform and expansion – political

Consumption and consumerism – economic

Childhood obesity – science


International adoptions (social)

Role of intelligence agencies in international peace and security (political)

On the exchange of digital currency (economic)

Biopiracy (science)


reproduction and population control (political)

the response to natural disasters (social)

the control of natural resources across borders (science)

the impact of the black market trade of legal and illegal drugs (economic)


Science Topic: U.S. position in UN on deforestation?

Political Topic: U.S. position in UN on intervention in foreign internal conflicts?

Social Topic: U.S. position in UN on food security?

Economic Topic: U.S. position in UN on encouraging local entrepreneurship in developing countries?


Econ – the development of alternate forms of financing debt

Pol – human and political rights of indigenous peoples

Soc – control of hate crimes against cultural minorities

Sci – the distribution of and access to fresh water


Clean water

Gender equality

Political prisoners

National sovereignty of fossil fuels