2020 Spring: Herbrand-Ribet theorem and the Iwasawa main conjecture

References for the class:

  • K. Ribet, A modular construction of unramified p-extension of Q(mu_p), [link]
  • A. Wiles, Modular curves and the class group of Q(zeta_p), [link]
  • Washington, Introduction to cyclotomic fields.
  • Lang, Cyclotomic fields I and II.
  • J. Coates and R.Sujatha, Cyclotomic fields and zeta values.
  • Ribet's slide : [pdf]
  • Khare's survey : [pdf]
  • Wang-Erickson's survey : [link] (and his note on cyclotomic fields [link]
  • M. Raynaud, Modular curves and the Hecke operators (translation) [pdf]

References for Class field Theory:

  • Cassels and Frohlich, Algebraic Number theory
  • Milne, Class field theory, [link]
  • Neukirch, Class field theory, [link]
  • Guillot, A Gentle Course in Local Class Field Theory (elementary)
  • Serre, Local fields (advanced)
  • Student's minor thesis on Tate's thesis, [link]
  • Buzzard, Tate's thesis, [link] (recommended)
  • Ramakrishnan and Valenza, Fourier analysis on Number fields (thorough exposition on Tate's thesis)

Reference for Modular forms:

  • Ullmo, Modular curves and Modular forms, [link]
  • Ribet and Stein, Lectures on modular forms, [link]
  • Helm, Modular forms, [link]
  • Milne, Modular functions and modular forms, [link]
  • Diamond and Shurman, A first course in modular forms.
  • Schraen, Modular curves, [link]

Reference for compact Riemann surfaces:

  • Kirwan, Complex algebraic curves.
  • Griffiths, Introduction to algebraic curves.
  • Miranda, Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces

Lecture videos : [link]

Lecture notes

  1. Lecture 1 [pdf]
  2. Lecture 2 [pdf]
  3. Lecture 3 [pdf]
  4. Lecture 4 [pdf]
  5. Lecture 5 [pdf]
  6. Lecture 6 [pdf]
  7. Lecture 7 [pdf]
  8. Lecture 8 [pdf]
  9. Lecture 9 [pdf]
  10. Lecture 10 [pdf]
  11. Lecture 11 [pdf]
  12. no notes
  13. Lecture 13 [pdf]
  14. Lecture 14 [pdf]
  15. Lecture 15 [pdf]
  16. Lecture 16 [pdf]
  17. no notes
  18. Lecture 18 [pdf]
  19. Lecture 19 [pdf]
  20. Lecture 20 [pdf]
  21. Lecture 21 [pdf]
  22. Lecture 22 [pdf]