2017 Spring : Mazur's paper, Notes on etale cohomology of number fields

    • Mazur's original paper [link]
    • Artin's book on Grothendieck topology (original version [pdf] or latexed one [pdf])
    • Tamme's book on etale cohomology [pdf] - this is a detailed exposition of Artin's book.
    • Some operations on sheaves (e.g. Virk's note [link]) or Section 5.4 of Lei Fu's book on Etale cohomology theory.
    • Vakil's note on algebraic geometry [link]
    • Notes on Sheaf cohomology [link]
    • Lei Fu's book on algebraic geometry [link]
    • Lenstra's note on Galois theory for schemes [link]
    • Szamuely's note on Dedekind schemes [link]
    • W. Stein's note on Galois cohomology [link]
    • R. Sharifi's note on Group and Galois cohomology [link]
    • H. Hida's note on Galois cohomology and duality [link]
    • Etale cohomology of algebraic number fields by Conrad and Masullo [link] - this is a generalization of Mazur's work.
    • A short note on Etale cohomology [link]
    • A expository note on Weil conjectures, [link]
    • A latexed copy of Mazur's paper [pdf], correcting some typos and errors. It may be changed without any notice.