
The timeline provided in this page contains ten of the most important dates in the time of the Ancient Egyptians:

3000 BC- The ancient Egyptian civilisation began.

2575 BC- 2575 -2150 BC: The Old Kingdom (the 4th-8th Dynasties) - The Great Pyramids of Egypt were built.

1630 BC- The Egyptians were introduced to the chariot.

1539 BC- The tombs in the Valley of Kings were built.

332 BC- Alexander the Great conquers Egypt.

196 BC- The Rosetta Stone is carved.

51 BC- Cleopatra VII became ruler and also gave birth to Julius Caesar’s son, Octavian.

37 BC- Queen Cleopatra VII of the Ptolemies marries Mark Antony.

31 BC- Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra in the sea Battle of Actium. Both Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide.

30 BC- Ancient Egypt became a Roman province.