My PBL Project

Rotating Mask Illusion : Why do some concave images appear convex? My project hollow faces and images look at illusions like the rotating mask illusion in which the front of the mask is convex and appears so, but the inside of the mask is hollow (concave) yet it creates the illusion of a convex mask.



2. Paper or newspaper

3. Flour


5.pain brushes

6. cups

7.assorted paint

8. scissors

9. string


11. A surface u can get dirty


1. Find a surface you can get dirty and lay out all of your materials.

2. Get the foil and press it against your face make sure you make indents for your eyes and nose press those areas so that the foil takes the shape of your face. The foil should look like a mask in the outline of your face. Take the corners and round them so the foil is also in the shape of your head.

3. Once you have the foil in the correct shape your can begin to make the outer layer,gather newspaper or regular paper and cut it into strips.

4. Then make the paste which is two parts flour one part water for example two cups of flour and one cup of water.

5. Get a paint brush and place your mask face up and begin by applying the past to the strips then the strips tp the mask one by one making shure that your gently press the strips on to the mask so they catch the shape of the foil.

6. Once you have covered the entire front let it dry overnight then do the inside of the mask repeating the steps in 4 and 5 making sure you make the strips in the shape of the inside of the mask, let it dry overnight.

7. Once the mask is dry you can paint it to your liking however remember to emphasize the nose and eyes. However your paint the mask on the front make sure to paint it the same in the inside once the front is dry.

8. Once the mask is dry and complete in order to see the illusion you can rotate the mask or puncutre a hole in the mask and apply a long string and attach it to you ceiling so its easy to film and spin.

9, Here is the completed mask and you can see the illusion of a convex mask where it is concave

Scientific Principles!:

The physics principle that is introduced in my expreiment has to do with "The Ray Model of Light" as well as the Laws of Reflection which include , The incident ray, angle and refected ray.

Diffuse reflection, Retroreflection, Multiple reflections, are also used in the expreiment they are usefull in defining how concave and convex images work and out perception of these images.