Topological K-theory

2022-present, spring semester

This is the 2nd half of the course 'Algebraic Topology I&II' for gradute students at AMSS, and also for interested senior undergraduates. Basic homology theory is required. 

Each student should submit a report on a topic in homotopy theory, and gives a 20-minutes presentation. Presentations will be scheduled in the last few weeks of the course.


Lecture I: Basics on fibre bundles, Grothendieck construction, definition of K-groups and functorial properties

Lecture II: Geometric interpretation of reduced K-groups; principal bundles

Lecture III: Brown's representation theorem; universal bundles for linear groups

Lecture IV: Homotopy interpretation of K-groups; Adams' representation theorem

Lecture V: Homotopy interpretation of reduced K-groups, Bott periodicity, spectrum

Lecture VI: spectrum continued, homology and cohomology thoeries

Lecture VII: K-theory as a cohomology theory

Lecture VIII: ring structure of K-spectra, Hopf invaraint

Lecture IX: Hopf invariant one problem

Lecture X: Hopf invariant one problem continued; Chern character

Lecture XI: J-homomorphism and e-invariant

Lecture XII: J-homomorphism and e-invariant continued

Lecture XIII: Atiyah-Hirzebrch-Whitehead and Leray-Serre spectral sequences

Lecture XIV: Gysin and Wang Sequences

Students can choose report topics by themselves, or from the following list: