Thomas Metham II

Thomas II (1299-1355)

Sybils son is referred to as Thomas the 2nd, as his grandfather was also called Thomas. By the end of our story we'll be up to Thomas 10th.

The first we hear of Thomas II is when he's pardoned for his part in the Earl of Lancasters revolt in 1318, when hThomas was 19.

Four years later he's with Hugh Despenser, as the English attack Scotland. In June Robert the Bruce invaded England, looting as far south as Lancaster.

The english army marches into Scotland, but as usual the Scots refuse to give battle, so by September the English forces are back over the border.

After he returns home, two things happen:-

- he marries Maude, daughter of the Gerard Salvain we heard of in connection with Sybils misadventures

- he murders his stepfather. He was pardoned in 1327 at the start of Edwards III's reign.

He then settles down as knight of the shire, being appointed as a justice of the peace, serving on commissions and helping recruit archers for service in Scotland.

in 1347 the bishop of Durham appointed him steward of the manor of Howden. He died in 1355 and his son continued his military tradition